Now if you don't mind boring, too many words, read on.
The only part of gardening I am good at is destruction, so when the front door was almost completely covered with growth I decided it was at last time for the chop. I cut off the branches that had held the goldfinch nest, and look!!!
There was another egg in the bottom.
There should have been 6 baby birds in that tiny nest. Isn't that incredible?
Look at the size of it. Beautiful.
Yesterday we went to Aberystwyth.
(For UK readers that big bright thing in the sky is the Sun)
It was to attend the funeral of the father of our friend G, who lived in a village nearby. He was the original owner of the little sausage dogs, Porky and Blodwen. We got hopelessly lost, but eventually found the Crematorium, Now I know funerals and crematoria (?) are not perhaps blog material but I have to tell you that I have never been in a more beautiful, spiritual crematorium chapel ever. The whole of the wall behind the altar was made of glass looking out over the Welsh countryside.
A perfect place from which to step off into eternity.
The day was eventful. I got soaked and dried off about 4 times in the rain. Its a very long way from our house to Aberystwyth. We had a very short break on the way in Llanidloes, a cup of tea in The Great Oak. Fantastic. We were in a hurry but I would love to visit again. We had to rush past a Quilt Exhibition without even looking!
We missed the start of the funeral service but it didn't matter too much.
Our friend G had spent the week in her late father's house, mourning him by painting his life and home on the coffin. It was beautiful. So much nicer the usual varnished wood veneer. The sea, his boat, and fish on one side, wild flowers, a fox, an otter and montbresia flowers on the other, and of course, Porky and Blodwen at his feet, like a medieval knight's tomb. I wish I had a picture to show.
When we got to the 'funeral tea' place I offered to take the dogs for a short walk. I had been walking for a minute or two when the heavens opened and it began to thunder. I was holding an umbrella and had no waterproof coat. I decided to turn back , and at that moment a car came up the lane and a man opened the door and said 'get in.' It was absolutely bucketing down, hailing by now so I got in, with the sodden dogs, wondering if this chap had actually been at the funeral. I had no bag, or phone and he continued to drive, although at one point the hail was so intense we couldn't see out.
We got on like a house on fire. He was indeed a guest at the funeral and was going home to get his mandolin to play some music while we had the tea. His home was in 'the back of beyond' with a fabulous garden, with nasturtiums and passion flowers cascading over the wall. His 'other half' is a herbalist, and the garden was full of beautiful useful plants, and the sound of bees.
By the time we got back to the funeral party both my husband and G had been out in separate cars looking for me. They just couldn't understand what had happened, so there was much rejoicing when I walked back in.
We had a scenic drive round Aberystwyth before setting off for home via Gayles Wine Bar in Llangollen, for food. I can't recommend it too highly. Good unfussy but delicious food and a great atmosphere.
That was all probably too much writing so I won't tell you how I had to take the one piece selected for the Platform Gallery Open textiles exhibition and decided to incorporate delivery of with an afternoon out with my Mum, but then delivered the wrong picture so had to go again today.
And I won't mention that I also, that very same morning, drove 20 miles North to Forton Services on the M6 near Lancaster to meet someone I had never met before, who had a spare key to the car of our friend in Aberystwyth, (who actually lives in Lancaster)because her car key had snapped off in the lock outside the Spar shop in the Welsh village. So we could take it to her at the funeral.
Oh. I just did.
Well if you've read this far I may as well burden you with the 'Google reader Syndrome'.
I spend hours 'catching up' on google reader, leaving comments on all my favourite blogs, so that 'unread items' is at '0'. I go to bed and when I look again in the morning its back up to 25, and if I leave it it gets up to 185.....
I can't cope!
Does anyone else suffer from the same syndrome?
I got this

from Genie's Art World. Thank you so much. I'll pass it on later.
I also discovered today that I have gone up to 83 on the Top Blogs by Crafters list.
Such a show off.
Also sorry about only having one prize in my giveaway. I feel bad.
At the time of writing my comment (9.23am Thursday 4th Sept) you are number 13 actually!! Not bad... not bad at all... :o)
What an eventful trip. Must admit my heart was in my mouth wondering what was going to happen when you were picked up by a 'strange' man. Obviously you were OK as you wrote the post I was reading but...
You never know...
That sounds like such an eventful trip! I love the idea of the decorated coffin - what a fantastically special and personal way to remember a loved one.
I've neglected Google Reader and have been rewarded with 614 blog posts to read - gulp!
I enjoyed your story, what an eventful time you have been having. I have not used Google reader yet. Is it easy to set up?
Maria x
Oh I know what you mean about having lots of blogs to read - I have 165 at the moment but when we got back from France in the summer it was up to over 1,000.
I too love the idea of a decorated coffin - such a good way to remember someone.
Hi jackie,
you certainly had an eventful day. i am worn out just reading all about it.
Hi Jackie,
Funny you should mention google reader, I've just added you to mine this very week.
Now, you really shouldn't try to put me off reading what you had to say, I'm so glad I continued to read.
What an adventure, I know it wasn't meant to be an adventure, not at a funeral, but even so, strange men picking you up whilst walking the dogs, I say, my Mum would have said, "You ought to be more careful", lol. It seemed like a very lovely funeral if that is possible. I expect it is easier if it is just a friend and not a family member.
The only funerals I have been to in the past have been family members whom I have either loved very dearly or disliked intensely. Either way, makes it difficult.
What a lovely idea, to paint the coffin, who needs flowers when you have all that to cheer you up and how appropriate to paint the life of the person.
Well, I am so glad that I put you on my google reader, it made me think, I need to get out more. Enough said. I'll be dropping back soon. Tricia
I can't believe you went to Gayle's Wine Bar!!
Llangollen is where I was born... and my parents still live there. Just by the bridge. What a tiny tiny world.
What a busy time you've had!
If you can think of a solution for the google reader (or bloglines) syndrome let us know ,please!
There are so many creative people writing about what they do and I want to keep up...but I'd have to stay up all night reading if I was to actually get any work done as well.
Oh and I like the idea of a decorated coffin or maybe embroidered?
Your description is so vidid! As I read your post I could actually see everything you described, like it was from some wonderful movie. I am not anxious to have my own funeral yet, but if I were, that would be a good one to have!
Wow, I'm exhausted after reading all that ;) Glad the man turned out to be a good one!
I wish I'd seen the giveaway sooner too ;)
Kim x
Bloomin' heck Jackie ~ I have had to read this twice to digest all the info! Boy you've had a busy time of it.
Liked the joke about the sun! Made me laugh.
Going off with strange men in strange cars ehh?!!! Naughty!
I was in Llanidloes last Friday ~ It's a small world. Mark and I had lunch at the Organic veggy cafe. It's a lovely town. I can recommend the Bookshop.
Brill post x
Well that was a good read - many thanks. I like the idea of a painted coffin and that one sounds great - a pity it had to disappear! Connie.
Great read Jackie and I also laughed at the sun joke!
What's google reader?
I feel like I'm missing something.
I loved reading this, even if part of it was about a funeral. I think it would be a wonderful thing to travel out of this world in a painted coffin. Oh, I wanted you to know that I've added you to my list of Splendid Locales. Edward and I do love visiting here!
You certainly packed a lot in to what could have been a mournful day, it made good reading.
Thank you Jackie I have found the info on google reader.xx
I have the same problem with Bloglines and as we're about to go on hols for 2 weeks I will be overrun by the time we get back.
The crematorium you mention sounds a comforting place to say goodbye to someone and how wonderful to have personalised the coffin in that way.
Glad you survived the mystery man!
I have been having a lovely time reading posts on your blog Jackie. You have a wonderful way with words. That makes me smile.
You certainly had a very eventful day! I do like the idea of a decorated coffin. A lovely (and unique) tribute to a loved one.
I used to try and visit lots of blogs and keep up. But have narrowed down the list of the ones I visit now. There is lots of wonderful inspiration out there. And I could spend hours each night reading blogs but try (not always successfully I must admit!) to live a balanced life.
That being said ; your blog is a delight and I intend to visit often :)
Lots of words but not the least bit boring Jackie. It feels innappropriate to say this but it sounded like a wonderful funeral with the painted coffin and the views and the music. And what an adventure you had too!
I suffer from Google reader syndrome too!
How do you manage to turn everything into an adventure? I can't wait for Marrakesh! We'd better have you on a lead!!!
Didn't your mum teach you.."never get into cars with strangers". Glad you survived four wettings and a funeral.
I came across your blog while surfing around blogs, love your work, I am an embroiderer, come mixed media, journal maker etc etc I love to read blogs from other countries, feels like I am visiting, your funeral sounded wonderful, Wales sounds wonderful.
Jacky also Cancer
You couldn't make it up could you and I can just imagine how splendid the coffin looked. Thankyou for posting the links to old posts - I didn't remember the work with the shells from the vase - glorious stuff!
Jackie, What a fascinating replay of your rainy funeral day! And, what an interesting day it must have been. Do take care.....Pat
Google reader whats that ??
Sounds like he had a good send off its sounds beautiful .
Aberystwyth isn't that far from me ,If you ever come close to paramedic you must let me know we could meet for tea or something like that .
Have a nice holiday love from sesga xx
Oh, Jackie, this is such a you post. I loved it! Clever title too!
But mostly I wanted to thank you for linking to me in your sidebar. You'll certainly be added to mine, though I don't have the readership you do. Nor do I post nearly often enough. I wish I was more like you. ;-)) HUGS, Marilyn
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