Monday 31 December 2012

End of the year.

Yes she did get her new coat.

And here's my 2012 mosaic.
Happy New year to one and all.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Hetty here

She's been at it again in that room..this time she kept calling me to sit and have this thing fastened on..I wouldn't mind but she whipped it off me again when I'd just got it warm.

 Then it was the photos. 
Sit still...not that way..this way...

 just got warm again when she whips it off and tries another. 

I was so fed up I turned my back on her.

 Oh come on I said..enough's enough.

 I'll think about it.

 Alright then. 
Then she pinches them off me and says they're for someone else.

 Then there was the party. We had a great time. 
Here's a picture of us playing musical mats. See that fat black dog? I had the best fun walking round behind him with my nose stuck to his rear end. 
He had NO TAIL!

I don't think he noticed.

 The only bad bit was having to wear this lot again. Still we won third prize in the fancy dress.

 Don't you think I look angelic? 
That was Tuesday.

Look at me now! I feel like a turkey. I've had me  hair cut..there's nothing on me legs!
Its bloomin' freezing.

 And to top it all...she took the coat away and gave it to another dog.Missy.

 And she sent the other one to Betsy.

 Where's mine? 
Oh she didn't get a picture of that did she?
So here's me as an angel again. 
With short hair.
Merry bloomin' Christmas.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

One month on

It doesn't seem a month since I posted but it is. I think its because I haven't had anything to blog about.
"Thats never stopped her before" I hear you say.
Well anyway, its been a busy month with necessary tasks such as altering curtains that have been a pain for three years, going to the Knitting and stitching show and being totally exhausted by it; seeing the Matthew Bourne production of 'Sleeping Beauty' at the Lowry in Manchester, and apart from that the days have slid by very quickly indeed!
 I've had a sudden rush of brooch making as you may imagine at this time of year. I haven't had a November/December without a craft fair for years so its been quite nice to have a different sort of pre-Christmas period.

 I made one group for the open evening at Create , the pop up craft emporium at the Farmhouse at Astley Hall in Chorley. The wonderful women of Chorley Contemporary Crafters have made this happen. I really admire their enterprise and determination. Its worth a visit especially the gift shop.
 These brooches, at least 15 of them are bound for north Yorkshire tomorrow. 
 I've enjoyed being on the making treadmill again but I made a terrible mess of my house in doing it. 
 Now I'm all tidied up, just having a quiet few moments before I have to get ready for the dog class. 
I really hope Hetty behaves herself. 
Haircut (dog) and Theatre matinee(me) tomorrow. Busy busy busy.......
I wonder if I 'll get my Christmas cards made this year? I've got the lino and the tools but do I have the time?

st of my pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

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