Thursday 13 November 2014


My goodness its a long time since I posted.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and support I get here even though I hardly go round and read other blogs. I spend far too much time on Facebook...

I've been working hard making stuff for galleries and for my etsy shop, and been kept quite busy running up and down to the post office which is a good thing.

But now I've nothing pressing to do and i hate to say it but I'm BORED!!

Bored bored bored. I think it must be the November gloom because I can't be bothered to do anything.

I should of course be sorting through my sewing room and getting rid of junk.

I could be cleaning out the kitchen cupboards, catching up on the ironing, tidying the awful  full-of -junk 'side' bedroom but I'm not.

I had a little play when I'd finished the brooches, mainly because I've run out of brooch backs, making a 'decoration'.

Here it is in a really bad photo.

I've got it as a giveaway over on my facebook page. I'm choosing from the 'likes' on the picture and there are 500 so far! I think I'll have to do a random number generator or I'll be all week making raffle tickets. Then I feel sad for the other 499 or however many that won't have won.

Nothing interesting has happened in my life since the last post unless you count the day I went to for a clinic appointment to the hospital.

It took me half an hour to park the car, which I finally dumped 5 minutes walk away, in a housing estate, then I went to one department after another (have you seen those tv programmes where they tag a cat and track its route with red lines on a map?  It was like that ) until I was finally told to go to one about as far from the main entrance as you can get,  then back to the pharmacy which is by the main entrance.

Before I went back to the car I called in Booths (In case you don't know, thats the heavenliest supermarket in the Northwest..even their Christmas catalogues are fabric bound with gold lettering) and bought myself a pack of stollen slices and a bag of crisps which I ate on the way home.

I had completely forgotten I was going for a cholesterol test the day after I took two statins before bed time and it came back perfect. (Is that cheating?)

That might be too much information.

But if I told you what the clinic was in preparation for, it definitely would be.

Suffice it to say that from 7pm one day in two weeks time, I won't be sitting watching tv for any long stretches of time .

Oh Joy.
Something to look forward to anyway.

So here's some pics of my Christmas brooches.

OH HANG ON A MINUTE.....I've just remembered something.

I'm in a lovely book.

I'm so honoured to be among some wonderful textile artists.

Here's my page.
Its a very inspiring book.

Hetty is unconcerned. All she wants is the back of the sofa and a bit of sunshine through the window.

st of my pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Dear Anonymous.....

....don't waste your time...I have a spam filter.