By the time I'd added different colours to the backgrounds it was all a bit lumpy for stitching which is a shame becasue I love the 'Jetsons' look of some of them. If you know Manchester you might understand.
So I went back to my other project. Did I say I've decided to make lots of these and join them somehow into a bigger piece.
It will be predominantly greeny -blue.
I photographed this late afternoon ..isn't it wonderful to have a bit of slanting sunlight?
This bit below is not for the main piece. I think I might make it into a brooch.
I'm footling about on these and really I should be making more of my other brooches for shops.
So anyway...while I was stitching I had what I initially thought was a bright idea for a little blog game about ......
I even made an extra page on my blog for it.
This is what I was thinking about...we make our blog posts and spell check and get rid of untidiness and then click publish.
We only see each others' beautifully edited font of choice but wouldn't it be nice to use our own handwriting?
I thought it might be fun to have one day next week where everyone who wants to will do a complete post about handwriting, in handwriting.
Of course you'd have to upload it as a picture either scanned or macro shot and make sure its big enough to read.
I thought if you want to take part, you could leave a comment here with a link to your blog and I would make a new page on my blog with a complete list of links.
But then I wondered if it might be viewed with caution ..maybe scope for someone to forge your writing..of course you won't add your signature, that would be foolish.
Crossings out and spelling mistakes would be allowed.
Let me know what you think.
If we get more than 20 willing we'll do it.
Hi Jackie. Loving your new abstract pieces. I was just thinking the other day how little writing I actually do these days. I had to write and absence note for my son the other week and it gave me a sore hand! Yesterday I was scribbling words into my notebook trying to remember a song so I could sing it in a singaround at the festival and it was such a scrawl! I used to have nice writing.
I also like your new pieces. Re the handwriting thingie.... count me in!
I love all the new pieces - as for hand writing - I am just an awful scribbler!!!!!
I'll play :-)
count me in!
well I'm just confused and would need an hours tuition minimum to even know what to do...
Wow, I think that I have been away from Manchester for too long. It never looked like that when I lived there.
These new pieces are beautiful - I love the free shapes. The handwriting idea is interesting. I'm not sure my lack of computer skills will allow me to create links though. I used to have my handwriting pinned up on the wall at school and was good at spelling once. However, lately I have discovered the truth in the saying 'use it or lose it' and often have to use a dictionary to check spellings. I'll have a go.
I'm up for the handwriting thing Jackie - I wrote two letters last week - so much nicer than an email or a phone call.
I love this idea Jackie - do let me know which day. I think I might include a few doodles too. Emma x
Count me in for the hand writing. I'm so rusty! I use a keyboard for almost everything.
I adore your new pieces!!!! They remind me of microbial sea life and will look stunning if all joined into a larger piece!!!
If you amke more brooches could you let me know when you put some in Etsy - I want to buy one for me, myself and I!!!!
I love your pieces also and think they look like 50s ideas of microbes. Ha. My handwriting was very nice when I was young...use to write on the chalk board for the teacher. =-) But now...well...I write so much in such a short really is rather terrible. Not sure I would know how to do all the computer stuff to get it up on the blog.
I just found your blog and the idea of handwriting a post intrigues me, Count me in. Your pieces are amazing too!
I love handwriting, even tho it aches! I have a couple of aunties who I write long rambling letters too....I think they can read them! Can't do links yet (maybe a tutorial first?! ;) ) but I can upload a photo!!!! Count me in.
Not sure if I said before, love your new shapes. (& your 'old' shapes!)
Love the new abstract pieces. You colour and form are always inspiring. I would love to do the handwriting piece. Just let me know when....Sharon
yes i am up for that what day shall we do it ?? i always prefer to make handouts at school in my own writing I believe that we are artists so should use our hands to write too (yes I know we use our hands on the keypad !! but it's not the same ) Love your new work i find your work really inspiring ...thanks for mailing me about your husband ...sounds interesting restoration work is he a stone mason ? Lorna
This is a great idea, I'd like to take part please even though my handwriting is terrible. I'll try to make it legible!
Teresa x
Unfortunatly creativity doesn't respond well to have-to's - " The Heart asks Pleasure First ". Its a bugger but that's the way it goes eh?
would love to play the handwriting game. Can we have a prize for the worst handwriting cos I'd be sure and win!
Go on then... I'm game for a bit of handwriting!
que buenos trabajos!!! encanta tu blog...lo he linkeado en el mio!...cariƱos...marta
i'm in :}
What a great idea. I'll try if I can get my technology together. Just let me know when.
i posted my entry, but not sure anyone will be able to read it--and i can't put the handwriting logo on WordPad--doesn't fit and won't "stick" (be saved i mean)
Count me in please Jackie. Sounds like fun! Or am I too late? I've missed a few days of blog looking, and missed a couple of yours. x
Hi Jackie
Sorry just found this today - would love to join in!
Hi -- found this via Cathy at Menopausal Musing and I've left a handwritten post on my blog. I'm having PC trouble at the mo and couldn't leave a link .... great idea x
Now I have realised that it was supposed to be ABOUT handwriting and I feel silly... didn't read it properly as usual... anyway it was fun.
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