Its the day my husband and I had out first date. One of the best days of my life.
We arranged to meet up in 'The Old Black Bull' in Preston.
We were married in the following July, both of us being old enough to recognise the 'real thing' when we met it.
This year in July was our 31st wedding anniversary, and today 32nd anniversary of out first date on 22nd October.
22nd October is a significant day.
Its the day my Dad died.
He was rushing through town at 3.30 in the afternoon.
As he passed 'The Old Black Bull' he fell down from a heart attack. And died.
He was 65.
On that day, I had just seen a class of children home. I had popped into the next door classroom and was chatting to my colleague. The conversation came round to My Dad..I don't know why.
I started smiling and telling her about him, how he built a boat in his suburban garage, how I spent my early years looking in tool shop windows, how when he couldn't drive a car we had our family holidays in a motorbike and sidecar,how he had been walking the Lakeland fells in the footsteps of Wainwright since he retired, had been up there on Monday, how enterprising and clever he was in his spare time...
That was 3.30
22nd October 1992 . The worst day of my life.
I miss him still after 16 years.
I will be thinking of you today, this significant day, thinking of the joy of such a long and happy marriage and the sadness of losing you father.
I can understand that you miss him! My father is still going strong; 78 year, but we lose my husbands parents for 17 years ago, and I still miss them! I´ll be thinking of you today Jackie!
Oh hun, what a bittersweet day. I will be thinking of you. How strange and lovely that you had that 'connection' with him at the time he died.
A day for laughing, crying, remembering the happy times and being glad that you had him.
HUGE hugs
((((Jackie)))) Last Friday (17th) was the anniversary of my dad's death. It's been 8 years. I can't believe that much time has passed without him. I miss him still.
I'm thinking of you today, and sending love for a not-too-sad-day.
Take care. xxx
Life is like that- good and bad clashing against each other in the best and worst of ways. We have to find the middle ground between them and carry on. Never easy.
Oh you dear, such joy and such sorrow. My heart goes out to you.
I'm sorry that this is both a sad and wonderful day for you. {{hugs}} to you today. I'll be thinking of you.
Oh, and this was the first date for me and my high school sweetheart. I wonder where he is today...
With a lump in my throat - so sad and yet so wonderful a day. Big kiss for you, go give one to your other 'alf. xx
Oh my Jackie - the best of times and the worst of times. How extraordinary that The Old Black Bull should play a part in both extremes. Tears and exaltation so often go together...Bob Dylan would have probably written a song about it ;)
What a mixture of emotions to have on one day. Maybe it was 'meant to be' that your dad left on what was such a happy day for you...maybe he didn't want you to be too sad about his leaving.
missing him keeps him here. i know the feeling.
A very bittersweet day - will be thinking of you.
Happy Anniversary
Sad but lovely thoughts for your dad, my dad has been gone 20 years and i still miss him.
hugs Jean
It seems so unfair - the time we are able to spend with the people we love seems so woefully inadequate.
But,the memories are something you'll always have.Thanks for telling us about your Dad.I now have an image of a family and luggage crammed onto a motorbike and sidecar(do you have siblings?)Sounds like an awfully good adventure!
Oh Jackie x
Its difficult to find the right words,I'm sure your Dad is with you in spirit.x
Two worlds of emotion collided on this day for you, and even though one held the joyous promise of something new, and the other held the tragic and sad realization of the end of the old, both held deep love. Your father sounds like a wonderful person, and I can imagine the void he has left. Your memories of him along with your long marriage are a testimony to the spirit of infinite love. Sending you comforting and happy wishes and hugs, on this deeply important day.
Lovely post, Jackie. My husband and I just celebrated our engagement anniversary on the 18th. We always go back to the same lake in the mountains where we went for a picnic the day he asked me to marry him. We've never missed a year.
And I am about to come up on the day my own sweet father died last year. So this post of yours was especially meaningful to me. Thanks.
I'm a bit late here Jackie but hugs and good wishes sent your way for yesterday. Thinking about you.
.. you have my deepest heartfelt thoughts...
my dad was 68 and it was 8 years ago.. it feels like forever but He is in my mind everyday.. yes every single day...
I will be thinking of you over this period. We never do get over losing someone we have loved and when those anniversaries roll around again it is so painful.
Jackie - I am sure that your Dad is with you every day - in everything that you do - his life has made you the person that you are.
Oh Jackie. What a bundle of mixed emotions for that day. When my father died, 31 years ago, I was watching TV and suddenly thought "I wonder how Daddy is?" just out of the blue. A moment later the phone rang and it was my mother who said, "Your Daddy just died." And then she got cut off. I think our thoughts are drawn to the spirits of people we love. And it's wonderful that you were speaking of him with pride and love when he died.
The day has significance for me too. It was the day my beloved dog, Jasper, died, two years ago. HUGS, Marilyn
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