Pauline, Clytie and Francis are off to a new home.

I did this piece a few years ago inspired by The Harris Museum, in Preston. I chose three characters I was very familiar with. I thought I'd tell you how I did it here. If you want to read about my inspiration for the piece then click on this link and look at my Flickr page where I have explained why I did it.
I wanted to reproduce the three characters on a background incorporating the words of the 'The Hound of Heaven', Francis Thompson's best known and very beautiful poem.

I used Fabric Transfer paints for the words.
I printed them off as a mirror image print and then painted each letter of some of the words with the transfer paint.
Other words I painted with watercolour masking fluid and then washed over them with the transfer paint. I rubbed off the masking fluid to leave white letters. I arranged the papers with the letters face down on the fabric and ironed them on.

In this area you can see the white letters with the coloured letters on top.
I was thinking about the words echoing around the museum .

I machine stitched over some letters, and around others.

The figures were done seperately on pieces of fabric using pencil crayons, the water soluble type. I coloured them in and then wet them slightly to blend the colours. Then I machine stitched the details in, and finally positioned the figures on the background and machined them down.
I added bits of waxed and inked brown paper to represent the marble mosaic floors of the museum and blended everything together with a flowing running stitch by hand.
You can click on any picture to see more detail.

Now this piece is going to a new home.
The new owner was once a pupil of mine, when I was teaching in Primary School in 1979...we didn't know when she first contacted me, but isn't that amazing? She saw this piece on Fickr and got in touch.
I know it will be greatly appreciated and its a lovely thought that a piece of my work means so much to someone else.
But..its still hard to say Goodbye.
What a fabulous piece!! I sold a piece recently and had mixed feelings - elation at making a sale (my first real sale) but sadness that a piece of work that I was very proud of was gone. It helps to know that the person who purchased it really does appreciate the piece and the work that has gone into it. Well done!!
Oh, I loved this piece when I first saw it on your Flickr. How wonderful that one of your former pupils was so drawn to it and that it will have a good home with her!
wonderful - also wonderful that is wasnt you saying goodbye to us - which was my thought when i saw the title :)
How lucky for both of you---and you KNOW it's going to a good home:} It's so hard to let go of the children sometimes....
This is an amazing piece of work, Jackie! I can see why it is so hard to say goodbye, and yet how wonderful to know that its creation brings joy to others. Just like with our actual children, even though it is bitter sweet, it is always good to give wings to that which we love and have poured our heart and soul into.
It is a stunning piece of work - so beautiful. I'm sure anyone who owned it would treasure it. Thanks for sharing your methods with us. x
This is a wonderful art work.
I understand how difficult it is to part with, it is lucky that you have a connection with the buyer.
Thank you Jackie for sharing.x
This is a really great pice of art! I like it very muyúch and remember that from flickr, and I see it can be hard to sell !
Oh, Jackie - this is so wonderful! I feel quite emotional on your behalf. The knowledge of the appreciation of the new owner is terrific...makes it so worthwhile. xx
I'm so glad this is going to someone you know will treasure it. Your work on this piece is brilliant! I have loved it since the moment I first saw it.
What an incredible amount of work that you put into this. No wonder it's hard to let go when a piece of you has been stitched into the fibres. It's lovely.
Kim x
What a stunning piece of work Jackie - it must be really hard to let it go.
Wonderful piece, Jackie! It is hard to let go but there will be other pieces that will please your heart....still I know the feeling.
What a great story behind the piece too. And what a joy it is going to someone who seems to be part of the story.
Your talent astounds me Jackie - I can't even begin to imagine how you'd make something like this (even though I read your description!)
It is totally beautiful.
Linda x
Oh beautiful work! I'm with one of the other commenters and have NO idea about how to even start a piece of work like this!
Jackie - this is a stunning piece with so many layers. I can understand you having mixed feelings about it going to live with someone else.
How ever it is wonderful that one of your former pupils contacted you.
I am very glad you weren't saying goodbye to blogging!
what can I say it is so beautiful as al of your work .Thanks for your comment on my blog
It will be good to know that all that work will be so appreciated. Thanks for your comment and the tip for transfering lettering.
Jackie, I just gulp when I see your work, it's amazing. Feel so.... well, congratulations.
What a wonderful piece of work. I love it.
but you always have the story which has a new happy ending. glorious.
I can understand why you're sad, it's beautiful. It gives you a reason to create a new piece now though and it will always remain in your heart.
Your work is just beautiful.....
I share in your pain of letting go.....but what compliment to have someone really want it!
Best, Gabriela
What a wonderful work of art I am so glad it is going to a good home.Thanks for visiting me allthe best
I enjoyed reading the story behind your wonderful piece .I have very fond childhood memories of visiting the Chambers Street museum in Edinburgh and it's probably still my favourite place (although,it's currently getting a make over...hope they don't add too many computers - I like my museums dusty)
It's wonderful that it's going to one of your former pupils,who will appreciate it properly but I understand your mixed feelings .
Very, very beautiful!
Congratulations on the sale. It should help the goodbyes to know that it's going to a good home.
I've just read your comment on Maggie's blog about wanting to know what the catalogues are for. I think we are all dying of curiosity but I think we still have some time to wait before she lets on. Your 'Saying Goodbye' piece is a major work of art, no wonder you find it hard to let it go. If I could produce something of that calibre I'd be a very happy textile artist.
what lovely work!!
I've added your blog to my faves...
and I've tagged you too (see my blog)'s just a little game.
just found your blog, love your work.
just found your blog, love your work.
An extraordinary coincidence. That's a beautiful piece - very easy to appreciate your mixed feelings on releasing it to the larger world.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn from.
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!
that's a great piece, thanks for sharing the process you used.I know the sort of mixed feelings one has but its always best when someone who buys your work is a person who appreciates the piece and will cherish it.
This is a fabulous piece - thankyou so much for sharing in such detail!
I love all the process information. Your work is wonderful and the blog is delightful!
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