Sunday 25 May 2008

Cutting Remarks

When you are an embroiderer you need a good selection of scissors.
Some are for display only.

They wouldn't cut melted butter, but they are very pretty.
But when you need to do some heavy duty cutting you need the serious stuff. You just can't have too many pairs. There was talk in my family of the legendary Heavy Shears that almost cut the cloth by themselves. They had belonged to my Grandfather who was a tailor. He died in about 1943 . Perhaps they were melted down for battleships, because no-one knows what happened to them.

So I'm hanging on to mine.

When you want to cut Denim you just can't mess about. The sharper the better.

I've been re-cycling jeans into cuffs and purses.

The purse is a bit of a structural disaster, but I'm pleased with the cuffs.. or are they bracelets?

Gunnels has given me an award. Thank you gunnels. When I work out how to upload the image you'll see its the Sweet Home Blogger award.

Issue 4 of Fibre and Stitch is out now with my article in. (See the button in my sidebar.) I've had a lot of lovely comments from everyone, thank you, and teabag paper sales over on My Etsy are soaring!


Conni said...

Love those denim cuffs!!!

arlee said...

The velvet and denim combo is fabulous----a bit of shabby chic, a lot of class and yards of inventiveness!!!

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

The cuffs look great! Congratulations on the article too.

Pat said...

As I said before, your work is fabulous....the denim items are so inventive. And, all those scissors......reminds me of my own collection, some of which will cut absolutely nothing, some "just for looking at," and the really good ones no one is allowed to touch! Pat at birdnestontheground

Victoria said...

The denim cuffs are beautiful!!
And what a great scissor collection you have!

ewa-christine said...

Scissors, fabric, denim, coulors together great art!

Raggy Rat said...

wow i found your glog, nice one, now we can trade links and inrosie each other, love your profile too mine is rubbish

cat xxx

Raggy Rat said...

oops did i say glog?
bugger !

Anonymous said...

Now that's a cool collection of scissors. I am LOVING those cuffs Jackie - those are fabulous. Love em!

Carol said...

Oh definatey cuffs, love em!!!! Love the article in F&S too! Clever ou and congrats on the sales!

Ahipara Girl said...

My first visit to your website and I love your very cool posts. How amazing. You have beautiful stitched cloths, and a great eye. I am a new fan.

Digitalgran said...

I agree with all the comments here Jackie. Yes, those cuffs are fantastic and so is the article in Fibre and Stitch.
I also love your collection of scissors too.

Caroline B said...

Found your blog thru RaggyRat - what lovely embroidery you do! That's quite a scissor collection too - makes my 3 pairs (small, medium and large) look inadequate!

hens teeth said...

Love the scissors...sisteeeer.
Denim and velvet ~ gorgeous.
Great news about your article.
Congrats on award from gunnels.

Mary Stanley said...

Love everything on your blog!! and what a beautiful place you live in!
Cuffs and mirrors! Wow!

Swirlyarts said...

Those cuffs are gorgeous! And I'm pleased to find another Lancastrian crafter!

Lindsey said...

The cuffs are fab - just to copy everyone else. No seriously they are lovely.
Are your scissors on display somewhere? They should be in a box frame of on a display shelf or something - they are so lovely.

ArtPropelled said...

You have one of the most beautiful pairs of scissors I have ever seen. The cuffs are great too.

Tess Kincaid said...

Hey, where have you been hiding? I love your blog, too!

I have a "thing" for old scissors, as well, and have several pairs...just because.

Is that your doggie, Willow, in the mirror? We had a yellow lad that passed away last year and I miss him so.

Anonymous said...

Jackie - your cuffs rock. Very sweet indeed...

Anonymous said...

What a cool collection of scissors and the denim cuffs are so wonderful. I really think they are so unique and beautifully done! How fun to have an article published!!! Way to go!

Linda Vincent said...

Hi Jackie, thanks for visiting my blog - I'm glad to have found yours! We have a lot in common (I won't mention teaching) including Kate Rusby (saw her sing live last year in Derby)and Greece (we are off to Skiathos on Friday). I love your work and will be back again very soon.

jude said...

congrats and wow, you sure do get things done. i have a collection of old scissors, and the same favorites for new ones. denim sure is tough stuff, but that can be a good thing!

Anonymous said...

came across you blog tonight I like it a lot your work is amazing I love it .Come over and visit my blog I would like that .Could I add you to my fave blog list please ??
love from sesga xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks !!
I live a little village , 9 miles from Porthmadog ,you probably know Porthmadog you have to drive through it to get to Nefyn.
where did you used to stay ?
love from sesga xx

Chriss Rollins said...

Your blog is amazing and i am going to add you in my faves.
I have also put your blog forward to Chris who runs the uk fiskeretts blog to come and have a look.
your crafts will be brilliant on there why not let her do an interview with you to share your talent with others.
if you want to know any more please contact me.
chriss x

herhimnbryn said...

Hallo there!
Thankyou for visiting my place and leaving your kind comment.
I love the cuffs you have made, gorgeous colours.
And the bluebbells in the post below? Just don't get me now feeling homesick for UK bluebell woods:)

Anonymous said...

oooh - lovely cuffs! LOVELY! and the scissors pics are great - no use at all as scissors but deeply satisfying as an image!

Genie said...

Nice Blog and lovely work, loved your Flickr photos too.aggree with Ratty Rat abt your Profile, my mind went blank when i wrote mine.

liz said...

Love the cuffs, they are beautiful.

Cda00uk said...

Such a simple idea - and so stunning!


DivaDea said...

These are wonderful. I'd love to see purses, too. Get on it :)

st of my pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Dear Anonymous.....

....don't waste your time...I have a spam filter.