(Please ignore anything you've seen on google reader..this is the definitive post!)
I have had a great weekend with the Isle of Man Branch of the Embroiderers'Guild But the journey to the furthest outpost of the North West region was not uneventful

The original ferry was cancelled due to bad weather and we were booked on the 2.15, check in 1pm. We left home at 11.45 for what should have been a 30 minute journey to Heysham.
Due to an accident on the M6 it took two and a half hours.
At check in time we were stuck on the main A6 through Preston.
At 1.30 we were back on the M6 hoping the boat would wait.
1.45 saw us hitting the jam caused by an accident in Lancaster holding us up for a further half hour. I can't tell you how sick I felt.
I am accustomed to being late but on this occasion I couldn't think how I would be able to explain the the Ladies of the IoM branch..I'd missed the ferry.
I felt so sick.
My heart was pounding.
We arrived at the ferry port.
OH JOY!! The weather was so bad the boat had only just arrived. We were in time.
The boat that should have left at 2.15 was delayed till 3.15.
The crossing was a bit on the rough side but it didn't deter the majority of passengers from scoffing bacon sausage beans and chips..yeuch!
I had a revolting sandwich. (We had originally intended to pick up 'not just a sandwich' from M&S on the M6, but the traffic jam put paid to that).
When the announcement came that the boat would dock in Douglas at 7.15 I realised I would have to go straight to the Guild to do my talk, but I was in my very casual clothes. I persuaded a crew member to accompany me to the car deck for a quick rummage in my suitcase to extricate my decent togs and did my Clark Kent act in the Ladies loo (trying hard to ignore the sounds of those who were now regretting their earlier consumption of sausage beans bacon and chips.)
At the Guild meeting we unloaded everything from the car and set up the laptop with their digital projector. I had around 200 photos of my work to talk about.
The projector wouldn't work so I had to improvise and talk about the few pieces of work I'd taken with me. It was a shame because I hadn't taken my best work.
They assured me the talk was a success.
After the talk we tried to get a meal.
Even MacDonalds was shut.
We pleaded with the Hotel and they made us some lovely sandwiches and from there things progressed very well.
The next day the workshop was great fun, the Ladies were delightful. They made me so welcome, made a lovely lunch for me and joined in with great enthusiasm and skill and creativity. It rained all day but that didn't dampen their warmth and hospitality.
They even arranged an extra hours sleep for me! (BST ended so the clocks went back.)
Thank you ladies..and thank you for the blog comment, but as you were anonymous I don't know who you were.
I am only sorry I forgot to take any photographs of you all. On Saturday we ate at this restaurant which I am reliably informed, previously turned away Johnny Depp because he hadn't booked.
On Sunday we had blue skies and sun. We went to 'The Sound' and saw these lovely colours and watched seals.

I was told about Braddan Old Kirk, an atmospheric old church with an amazing graveyard, full of ancient gravestones with trees growing through them.
apparently its often used for film making.
But the real treasure lies inside.
A fantastic array of Ancient Celtic and Viking Stones and crosses.
Just standing there.
A fantastic array of Ancient Celtic and Viking Stones and crosses.
Just standing there.
I especially liked this one with just half a cross on it. I liked its simplicity.
Sorry the picture isn't too good.

The patterns were so varied, both simple and complex.
Sorry the picture isn't too good.
The patterns were so varied, both simple and complex.
Just imagine how long ago these were carved, and with such skill.

All this and kippers for breakfast!
What more could an embroiderer want?
I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
I must add that all the people of the Isle of Man who we met and spoke to were generous, helpful and welcoming .
I must just make a mention of the sad news of the death of Julia Caprara on Friday from Cancer.
Julia didn't know me but she was a great inspiration to me in my early days of embroidery, and many others.
She will be missed.

Julia didn't know me but she was a great inspiration to me in my early days of embroidery, and many others.
She will be missed.

Wow, What an adventure you had, and how lucky to see all those wonderful Celtic Stones/crosses. Ooh I'm jealous. I would have loved to sit there drawing those. In fact it's probably best I didn't go there, especially with paper and pencil, I would have been so tempted to make some rubbings.
So glad it all turned out ok in the end. Bw Triciax
Blimey Jackie, what a roller coaster ride. So pleased it turned out well in the end.
Church ~ what a treasure, you must have thought you had died and gone to heaven!
Wow! That was quite a trip. A real adventure but sounds like you had a great time overall. The celtic stones are fabulous.
What a wonderful adventure - I'm sure the ladies had a wonderful time. I don't envy you the ferry ride but the church looks amazing!
Oh, I'm so pleased you got there in the end, but blimey ... you must have wondered if you ever would?!
The photos are gorgeous - I love the blues in the coastal shot. Hopefully the ladies there will read your blog and see some of your amazing work. I'm sure they had a great time.
Crikey! What an eventful journey, and that's before you even left England!! Glad you had such a good time in the end.
I read about Julia C yesterday. She was incredible wasn't she? Seeing an exhibition of her work has been the only time I have been moved to tears by a piece of art. Her use of colour and stitch was amazing. It really spoke to you.
Such a shame...
Wow Jackie! What a time you had! I'm glad it all worked out for you and you had such fun. That old church --- amazing!
What a lovely post, thanks for sharing such a magical and exciting weekend. I had not heard of the death of Julia Caprara and I do feel sad. I only went on one course with her but she was an amazing lady, kind and funny and real. I would love to try your tea-bag technique. Have you ever put together packs of paper and a pattern?
happy and sad things here together. the way it is.
What an exciting trip! I'm not sure I would have survived that ferry sailing! I would not have been consuming bacon sandwiches, that's for certain!
I loved hearing about it all and the pictures are so beautiful! I am glad you had a good time! Thanks for sharing with us and taking us along!
The Isle of Mann looks beautiful,
I love the celtic carved stone.
So glad you got there all ok.
Yes very sad news about Julia, I was lucky to meet her many years ago on a course.
Wow what a journey, glad it all turned out ok in the end!!
Oh, I love castles and all. I'm from Germany and every time we visit now, my husband and I love to go see all the castles in the area. So much fun!
My goodness, what an adventure! So happy all worked out well! All in all it sounds like a great trip, (with the exception of the weather, the ferry and the food!)
... and who in their right mind would turn away Johnny Depp?! (Sorry, but I could gaze at him for hours on end!)
Sounds like you had a great time inspite of the journey. Lucky ladies,I'm sure they enjoyed your talk and workshop, I know I would have!
Oh, those stones and the churchyard. . . I'm drooling here.
I'm so glad it all worked out. What an adventure you had. I love the photos from the kirk and the sound.
Thanks for that, incredible journey and lovely pics. I'm sure you were appreciated.
Heaven's above!! Trip and a half, I think, Jackie - but sounds like you had a whale/wail (!) of a time in the end!
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