Whose house is this? I don't recognise it.
You can see the table top and the floor is clean...

There's cake..

and there are no boxes or carrier bags full of wool and felt, or piles of magazines or tins of paint, or baskets of washing in the hall.

The spare room is all ready for guests.

Fresh towels in the bathroom folded so nicely it reminds me of 'Sleeping with the Enemy'.

But Just a minute whats this in the spare room?
Boxes and bags with 'goods' in them.

Junk that looks like it came out from under someones bed..

and in the next bedroom, chaotic activity at the sewing machine.
Yes, its
my house. Ready for guests and a Craft Fair.
Feast your eyes on the tidy scenes, they are rare.
My husband was very helpful. He went shopping. I asked him to get me one of these.
This is what he brought.
He is a little hard of hearing.
What a lovely insight into your 'very tidy and sparkly' home.... I love the tiles behind the cake, in your kitchen???? The cake doesn't look too bad either, yum.... You have inspired me to get out the duster....now if only I knew where it was!!!! Have a wonderful weekend..X
We must have been separated at birth. I have not been able to sit on the loveseat in my workroom for months. My kitchen counter is piles and piles of things waiting to be done. Isn't it wonderful how closing a door can banish that view?
At least I'm not the only one. I think of those piles of stuff as inspiration..ha! ANY way, I like your creative space, shows an active mind!
Hi, So glad I'm not alone!
I will have to post some pictures of my creative mess on flickr.
Michala x
A lovely reminder of what a clean and tidy house should look Like Lol. i have bits and pieces all over the house at the moment, luckily we are not expecting visitors until the end of next month.
Have a great Weekend
I have a mug - my favourite - given to me by a good friend. A fifties-style lady wafts a feather duster about and looks vacant. The caption reads 'A tidy house is a sign of a wasted life'
Wow your place looks great! Isn't true? There is always one room in my house that ends up full of projects when company is coming. I need a separate house for my projects and one to live in. :)
Oh, this made me smile! My house only gets cleaned when 1. visitors are arriving or 2. when the dog is shedding his coat!
I recommend baskets! I have one on nearly every surface and chuck things in them. They look very rustic and hide a great deal of crap!
I wonder how long it will stay like this. I always have the best intentions but by day 3 its back to disorder again.
Well .....at least it was a posh loo brush ;-)
Yes,Hi!! I have been lurking around here for a while. I definitely know you, but didn't think you knew me. My cover is well and truly blown now!! Nice to meet you properly in cyber space and I am sure we will meet again!!
How lovely to be tidy - even for a while - in more than one room! I've got one of those mugs which says "A well-dusted home is the sign of a wasted life". My daughter bought it for me - she knows me well! Make the most of it -while it lasts.
Isn't it funny how someone else's piles of stuff look really interesting but our own drive us nuts! I have piles of washing that never get folded, just washed, dried and chucked into baskets for the kids to rifle through; dishes air drying; and a couple of clear surfaces for sanity-purposes. I love that your husband bought you a toilet brush, how cute and typically male. At least he was on the right track!
Your home looks lovely! What a great feeling to have a clean house... to bad for me it is a vague memory, for it's been way too long at my house. Enjoy your company, clean house, and your new toilet bowl scrubber!
Jackie ~ is Etsy down?eiou
Don't know where the eiou came from!
I so enjoyed your post Jackie. We could be clones :)That cake looks wonderful and where did those Emergency chocs come from?
How lovely - I found this post of yours by chance as I hopped over from Mousenotebooks. You made me laugh with the story of the toilet duck - so glad you shared that moment as it is really funny and I know I will smile tomorrow thinking of it. Kate
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