Saturday 7 January 2012

New Year Old Piece

Happy New Year.
There are no resolutions on this blog.
I've taken my time to get my first post of 2012 off the ground haven't I?
The truth is I've been a slob. Just playing Tetris battle and eating Christmas Cake and chocolate orange.
Not the healthy lifestyle for Olympic Year I'd hoped for.
When I took the decorations down yesterday I felt all energised and did quite a bit of cleaning and tidying.
I came across this piece, which was made for the 'Anthology' exhibition but never exhibited, mainly because I didn't get a frame or canvas for it.
Its been seen here before I think.
So I decided to have a bit of fun with it and I've listed it on Ebay. Yes Ebay.
Now, I have sold other stuff on Ebay but never a piece of my work and I thought it would be interesting to watch what happens.

 I love the colours of this piece, and the texture is very seductive too. 
 Yes there are bees. Can you hear them?
I love the colours too, and enjoyed the handstitching.
Ebay is such an unknown quantity isn't it so I will enjoy seeing what happens. It may go for a fiver! Or it may not get a single bid. 
If its a success I may put its predecessor up there too.
 A smaller, but more textured piece where I'd stitched motifs onto a background but then cut them out and transferred them.

I rather like this piece but it isn't mounted or framed.
Ooh I love a good bidding war..lets hope it isn't completely ignored over there. If you want to watch it go to ebay.
I've just been..its had two views! (Probably me)

Meanwhile a modicum of inter species harmony has broken out at the dogdaisy house. Its a little strained as Hetty get jittery when she is in the vicinity of Jools and stays on alert.

 But what better way to surf the net or play scrabble or Tetris battle (addicted) than between two little furry heads.
Yes that is my stomach at the bottom of the shot. I was on widescreen what do you expect?


Heather said...

It's a great idea not to make resolutions - you don't have to worry about not keeping them!
Love both those pieces - especially the first one with the bees. Gorgeous colours and textures as always. I'm sure you'll get more than £5 for them.
Hetty and Jules look reasonably comfortable with each other.

Sharne Gregory said...

It's a lovely piece of work, I am sure it will fetch a lot more than £5. I didnt make any resolutions either- I can never keep them!

Mermaid's Purse said...

Good luck with ebay, it's a lovely piece!!

Magic Bean said...

Happy New Year to you too. Yesterday I ate three quarters of a cheesecake. For breakfast. There, I have fessed up. Still feeling rather guilty about it but I know it could easily happen again. Moral: do not make something the rest of the family don't like. I am straight off to ebay now to peek, bet you get more than a fiver- it is GORGEOUS? Ax

hens teeth said...

Hope you get loads of money on goodness your work deserves to.

Maggi said...

Love the Bee piece, it will sell. Glad that Hetty is learning to live with Jools even if it is tentatively.

Unknown said...

so how do you choose a category to use on Ebay? I am sure they will sell they are beautiful

Sandy said...

It's a great piece and should sell easily.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I've not made a resolution either but given myself a buzz word instead - expand. I'm hoping it will encourange me to stretch myself and my ideas. I love these two pieces of work and I don't think you need to worry about the lack of a frame - I sell loads of my pieces as hangings, eliminates the need of a frame!

sharon young said...

Lovely piece, I'm certain it'll sell well.
I think the idea of a resolution word is a great one, makes it much simpler to work on just one direction.

Connie said...

Both pieces are lovely.
Happy New Year. Connie.

Robin Mac said...

I love them both, definitely my colours, I am sure you will get more than one bid! Hettie and Jools look quite resigned to one another. Happy New Year to you. No resolutions in this house either, therefore no guilt - well, not much anyway. Cheers

Kim said...

You are a very funny girl. thanks for this post. Made me laugh outload.

Lyn said...

I hope you sell that lovely piece for a fair price on ebay, but Annie and I found that most ebayers just want a bargain.
What about etsy?

b.t.w. you are not the only one to get an unwanted belly frame at the bottom of a shot!!

Love your honesty. I hate reading blog posts where the author is too good to be true and has a perfect lifestyle.

Paint Pots and Petals said...

Jackie ur fab, very funny blog I love reading it. I have held the piece of work u put on ebay I think, love it, reminded me of van gogh's night sky? Sky at night? Good luck. Xx

Dot said...

I don't make new year resolutions either! (as I know I will break them within a month or so). Am determined to get active again and eat healthier.I adore both of these pieces and hope there is a bidding war on ebay!
As always I wish you a lovely new year. I hope it brings many special experiences your way. Much love to you and Hetty. Dot xx

Dot said...

P.S Your commend about your last photo and widescreen made me laugh out loud. You are a funny and beautiful person xx

Vicki Miller said...

I love this piece, the colour and tecture is glorious

Patty Biermans said...

Good luck with the biddig on ebay!!I think that they wil do very good. Both of your pets look really relaxed to me :)) and you too ;) hugzz...peebee

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful piece, I hope it sells well!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jackie, these two pieces are lovely and hope they get snapped up for lots of money. Don't worry about diets, cleaning, working, blogging and all those things we feel we need to do, it is lovely to have some time for 'slobbing around'...make the most of it and don't feel guilty.
Happy New Year from Heike x

lilylovekin said...

I don't make resolutions, I just break them and then feel bad about myself. But I know 2012 will be a good year. Yours is starting out well, when I last checked there were 10 bids on your auction YEAH!!!

embexelli said...

Good luck on ebay is such a lovely piece.

Karen said...

you are so funny!! Keeping fit for the Olympics....could do with a bit of that myself!! The ebay thing is a GREAT idea...hope it works. Now I'm off to add another view to your stats...

Katie said...

That is gorgeous! I'm sure you will be getting more than a fiver! If I had an ebay, I'd go bid...I love it!
Your lazy days and not eating so healthy sounds like my holiday! ha! Putting away the decorations,too. a day of cleaning? blah! :0)

Els said...

Happy new year to you Jackie
So happy : no resolutions !
Your blue piece with all the fine stitching is gorgeous and I hope it will sell well on Ebay.
(I will start with some felt-fabrics again, left that it be a long time ago, but .... I feel I can get started !)

Anonymous said...

They are delightful pieces, and putting them on eBay is certainly worth experimenting with - I hope they sell well!

research papers said...

Good work. Thanks for post!

Rosie said...

How brave you are to put such gorgeous work on Ebay - hope they sell, and for something close to their real value. You can get very addicted and waste a LOT of time on those computer games ... I had to delete one it was getting so bad!!

Linda Vincent said...

Hope the ebay bidding war is hotting up! I think I may have seen the first piece when we met up...its absolutely wonderful.
I hope 2012 is another good year for you Jackie; just have fun and 'do your thang'.
Can't believe how Hettie has grown ...what a little angel ;-)

pay for papers said...

cool post ) like it!

Pam said...

Oh Jackie, your bee piece is glorious and the colours and shades so beautiful! You have such talent! So glad it went for more than a fiver though!!! :))

Hope you got my email thanking you for the beautiful brooch, which is so much better in person! I've worn it a few times already and have even posted about it too. Thanks so much again. x

p.s. Lovely company indeed to keep while playing with addictions! lol. I'm a bit too much of a game player myself! Oops. :)

st of my pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Dear Anonymous.....

....don't waste your time...I have a spam filter.