On New Years Eve the last pictures of 2009 were taken in that most detested place 'The Trafford Centre' where we had to go to look at something. On the way to John Lewis we spotted this....*
Popped inside and I'm sure you'll agree its a spectacular window display. This is only a fraction.
I'm sorry the photo is blurred..my camera doesn't have a 'Shopping Mall' setting.
(Neither do I for that matter and was glad to get home)
*I have just been reminded that I had seen a photo of these machines before on Pats Blog Altering Thoughts. Hers is a much better photograph, and she did some great things with it. I even commented .It didn't sink in though. Must eat more fish.
Today, 2nd January, after a heavy snow storm and what looked like a bit of a thaw we went for a late afternoon walk in the woods.The soft looking snowy covering had frozen solid. It was very pretty but pretty skiddy too. We just about kept our feet.
When do you take your Christmas decorations down?
I suppose that depends on when you put them up.
I do the traditional thing and won't be taking mine down until 12th Night, 6th January. I put them up after the last Sunday in Advent and take them down at the Epiphany.
I don't have time to get fed up of them.
And finally what do YOU call it?
Two-thousand-and-ten or Twenty ten?
you deserve a medal for visiting the torture chamber that is the Trafford Centre (rather stick pins in my eyes comes to mind) and now I'm worried, I worked out 12th night as tuesday....Help!
I would have drooled at that display, but I am not much for shopping, either - unless it is the fabric or craft store! I will be taking my decorations down this week. I usually do it around the 2nd, but my son goes back to college tomorrow, so I have been enjoying time with him instead. As for the year, I think I am 2 thousand and 10.
The few I have are Chanukah decorations are are still on the sliding glass door that I gave my five year old grand children to put up a month ago. They remind me of them...so I may just leave there there a while longer. Why not?
So glad you imagined your wonderful broaches as they are so lovely to behold! All your art is stupendous!
And did you buy one of those cute old sewing machines?
Something, thankfully, they don't "get" here are malls!!
I must have been away too long, I was wondering why a shop called Allsaints would be selling old sewing machines...
The few pieces we have went up on Christmas Eve and will come down on Tues.
I'm hoping two thousand and ten catches on but I'm not holding my breath. Twenty ten will probably win in this generation as it's quicker to say/text etc. Shame though!!
Wonderful window display! Well worth the trip to the detested centre.
My tree decorations are down already because the tree was beginning to show signs of distress. (I know the feeling!) We've used the same lollipop Ficus tree for 3 years so she deserved to be outside in the rain and sunshine.
Thanks so much for the link. I've watched it 3 times! .... and linked it at the end of my post.
Just popped back to tell you..Christmas Day isn't really celebrated around here, the bells rang. New Years Day (St. Vassilis) the children get a present. Epiphany, when the kings visit Jesus,is also a celebration day when the children get more presents but nothing near children in the UK.It's very family orientated.
we solved the Christmas decoration dilema 20 years ago by simply not putting them up :-) love the sewing machines but admit that I don't shop unless I really have to!
SALES argh. We were sitting laughing at the ninnies who were on the news boxing day rushing out to waste more money on tat they do not need. However the beacon that is All Saints display is rather lovely. We saw a similar/identical effort in the Bull Ring B-ham as we rushed past to escape the place during our visit to the German market.
I think I will say twenty-ten.
Decorations!! I sat and googled the right time to remove them yesterday after my mother took a sharp intake of breath when I told her I was going to remove ours due to time constraints mid week. Its all to much.
I think that all those sewing machines were a SIGN of good things to come in 2010 (what ever you call it). Perhaps your badges will go global and by this time next year we will only be able to contact you through your personal assistant...
I wonder how many of these machine this shop chain bought because I saw them in London and Bluewater. A good photo to play with. http://alteringthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/12/it-never-rains.html
"Two thousand and ten" is what I call it........ and if you DO go global can I be your personal assistant and sit arranging and stroking your velvet fabrics all day long?
I won't go to shopping centres for you though, I can't stand them. Those old sewing machines look beautiful though.............
I am undecided as to 2010, I think we will have to stop saying 'two-thousand-and' eventually... I suspect we'll have the choice made for us, by tv and radio announcers. Re the sewing machines I am slightly bothered by where they got them all from and how much they paid for them and more importantly what will they do with them when they have finished with them, but that is probably just me being a worrier... I have typed all this on my phone with one thumb whilst holding sleeping Imogen!
I was going to tell you how Pat (Altering Thoughts) had posted a similar photograph on her blog of a shop in London - and then see that Pat has already left a comment - and have now just noticed your P.S. Doh!
Would love to know what they are going to do with these old machines once they decide to change their display.
You never told us if you actually managed to buy anything on your shopping trip. :)
Love the collection of sewing machines...I too am a bit worried about what happens to them after the display.
It's twenty ten for me...I'm afraid it's just shorter and while I love reading proper English...I know my spoken work and deteriorated some.
I'm in with GuizziSue about the Christmas stuff...I put up two candles and a tiny feather tree (less than 18") and they are already away. I wouldn't have done that if DH hadn't made a fuss. =-)
What a coincidence - when I went for a walk on New Years Day, with my friend Val (knitter, at Ally Pally) she was telling me about a shop at Bluewater that had a display of sewing machines in the window but couldn't remember the shop. Now I can tell her. I like shopping but HATE the sales!
I call it two thousand and ten, because that's what it is and I'm English!! So there! If I want to say that somewhere gives a round the clock service I say that too, and not 24/7. My father would be proud of me. Does that make me very politically incorrect? Tough! But each to his/her own.
I take our decorations down on Twelfth Night too, but had to take some of the fresh greenery down today as it was looking far from fresh. Those sewing machines make a fantastic window display.
Happy TWENTY-TEN Jackie!
Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm so glad that whatever was troubling you has been resolved and that you can now look forward. I really hope you have a good year ahead in every sense and lots more of your beautiful stitched patterns
Love and blessings
Carolyn xx
ps. I take my Christmas stuff down tomorrow but I've still got a Christmas blog to do yet!
Twenty ten I think as in nineteen eighty. Have just discovered your blog and love your work. I'll be a regular visitor.
Happy New Year Jackie. :o) Our decs came down today and I was quite sad to see the tree go this year, normally I can't wait. I think I'm a 2 thousand and tenner as well.
All my Christmas stuff came down yesterday and I wasn't sorry! Happy two thousand and ten!
Trafford Centre? Bah!
Down they come tomorrow; I need to get the vac out, there's more dog hair wafting about on the floor than there is on the dog.
And definitely 20 10, as in 19 90.
I don't care what everyone calls 2010 as long as it a better year than 2009 ;) I have always thought of the 1st day of Christmas as the 24th so usually finish taking mine down on the 4th.
I bought one of the old hand crank sewing machines at auction for £1, it worked perfectly and I passed it on to someone who might use it. Maybe the company will donate them to a worthy cause when they don't need them any more.
Happy New Year to you and all your readers
I'm a vote for twenty ten I think. I used to go to the Trafford Centre when my daughter lived in Manchester - but found it pretty grim! Give me small, local, friendly and individual every time.
blurry or not, I love that shot of all of those old sewing machines. I have always wanted a feather weight. I'm not a mall person anymore either. Thank God for internet shopping-it saved me this Christmas with shopping for the kids. I'm taking my decorations down this weekend. It's going to be 20-10 - quick and easy - and this world is all about the quick and easy. Pity.
Two thousand ten!
Lovely pics as always. So glad that you survived the walk without slipping under the ice! I love to read what you write.
Happy New Year, HUGS, Marilyn
Oh, lovely old sewing machines. Happy memories of my Mum using one of these in the early 1960's.
I really prefer Two thousand and ten...guess I'm lil ol fashioned?
Just had to add http://quiltinginthevalleys.blogspot.com/
also has photos of that store. It appears to be a popular place...
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