In the quiet days between Christmas and New Year I am taking some time to read and reflect.
What am I reading?
Blogs of course.
I have a big pile of books to get through too, but I read blogs on my laptop on my knee in the evenings, and occasionally peep over the top at whatever's on TV.
There are blogs I have been reading and commenting on since I first knew what blogs were.
There are blogs I have visited because I have received lovely comments from their writers.
Some blogs I read and never bother to comment on because they never reply.
There are funny blogs, beautiful blogs, down to earth blogs, informative blogs, blogs from distant parts of the world where their everyday life is so different from ours.
There are bloggers who I now consider good friends even if we haven't met yet.
I have recently taken the time to discover Lilylovekin Tales. I popped in briefly on occasions to reply to comments but decided I would have a really good read and found a compelling blog with beautiful photographs and a simple and honest style.
A real treasure.
I have had a tremendous amount of pleasure from blogging as well as support and encouragement. It has been a strange and difficult year with some exceptional highs but many lows, and without the blog I would have found it very difficult at times. I continue to get lots of lovely visitors despite my obsessive attention seeking and my moaning.
Thank you.
Today I had the best fun that can be had from blogging...a meeting of the 'house on fire' variety with a fellow blogger. I traveled for an hour to Hebden Bridge, to meet Helen and her daughter who had traveled an hour from the other direction.
We sat down in a cafe at 11am and left at 3pm having consumed coffee, lunch, cake, tea and talked non stop.
And I forgot to take a photograph.
Never mind.
I have a bright and lovely picture in my head.
moan,moan,moan,moan,moan,,moan,moanmoan,moan,moan,never! that's my job, the irritating blogger! Everything o.k. with you??
What a treat!
And if I may say, I consider you to be a blog "friend" of mine!!
Have a great New Year :-)
I enjoy blogs about lives different to ours as well as the textile related ones. It's my morning routine to grab a tea, read a few blogs before I go to work, works better than a morning paper for me!
Have a great new year!
I love your work.
I'd love you to come and visit me sometime...
I'd love to meet Helen and SweetPea sometime too, such lovely people.
You?? Moan?? Never!!
Here's hoping for a wonderful 2010 for all our blogging friends and to you and your family
Take care Jackie
It never fails to amaze me of the variety of blogs out there and just how many of them there are. There as an awful lot of real talent too and your blog shows your talent off brilliantly. Keep up the good work and here's to another wonderful year of blogging ahead of us next year.
A x
ps my word verification is boares so maybe that says something about my blog hehehe
Now you've got me I funny, beautiful, down to earth, informative or just plain irritating? See... we are all attention seeking.
Love your blog as always Jackie... and thanks for the links to two that I've not read before.
...I really enjoy reading blogs too!....although this can take up a bit more time that I should allow ;-)
..but what the's being social....and I've enjoyed "meeting" people and making friends through this wonderful medium.
All the very best to you in 2010.
x Chris
We had a lovely day too, and we look forward to our next visit, I wish I could remember what it was that I was meaning to tell you...another senior moment...
It's a grand land, blogland. I blundered in and happily "travel" round it. I just love the variety of the blogs and the minds that write them. What a great thing to have met a fellow blogger.
I am very have spent time with you, Helen and Sweetpea, sounds like a grand day out to me!
Maybe we should organise an open bloggy get together day?
shine on!
thank you so much for popping over and reading - and even commenting! - on my Heimat post. Sorry you got drawn in under false pretences but as your comments were favourable, I hope you enjoyed the post.
I like what you said about yourself in your profile.
I got into the doggy site first, it's lovely; even though it may be short-lived. i occasionally blog on 'dogs I have loved'.
I shall definitely be one of those 'always reply' bloggers, besides I find the little I have had time to read on your blog so far quite mouthwatering.
Oh crumbs, I didn't realise I was supposed to reply to all my comments. I simply don't have the energy to tackle that! But I love to come by yours and always enjoy my visit, and leave a comment. My resolution for 2010 is to make my blog as interesting and entertaining as those on my favourites list (and yes of course, yours is one!)
Thank you for spending the time to READ my blog. It means the world to me, as I find your blog one of the most delightful ones out there. Have a Happy New Year. Lorrie
How lovely to spend the day with bloggy friends in the flesh. I always enjoy reading your blog and if you are feeling low, it is good to get things off your chest. If we all wrote Polyanna posts it would give a very inaccurate picture. A bit of reality doesn't do any harm. I wish you many more ups than downs in 2010 and am looking forward to lots more of your interesting posts - whether they are 'up' or 'down'. Happy New Year to you and yours.
I wondered which category I came under.
I do read lots of blogs and have a list of blogs I check every day. However, I don't make comments on many now as it was taking up so much time and there aren't enough hours in the day as it is. I finish going to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning trying to achieve all the things I want to do.
Today, I meant to cut the fabric for the next piece I have designed but instead have finished up spending most of the day on my next AV. When you are on a roll ...... it is difficult to stop.
I have met up with two of my blogging friends and it was as though we had known each other for years.
Ooops from no comment to a looong one.
Must get back to the AV.
Jackie...I love reading your blog and the directions to various others in blogland you share. I little peep into life and art on the other side of the Big Pond. And I too hope to be considered a bloggy friend. Here's to more art and fun and even more in 2010
Happy New Year dear friend. You know how much I love your blog and all of your lovely sewing.
Next time you pop over to Hebden, give me a nudge and I will meet you over there!
You are neither iritating nor a moaner - otherwise bloggie friends wouldn't want to come and meet you (would we??)
Wishing you a very Happy New Year Jackie, and hope to meet up again sometime xx
You are definitely not an irritating blogger! I am a laptray blog hopper in the evenings too, in fact I bought a purpose made laptray today which I hope will make blog hopping even more comfortable. Your meet up with Helen sounds great.
I hope 2010 will be a very happy and rewarding New Year for you and yours. x
yikes I hope I'm not one of the ones who never replies, but I suspect I might be, not deliberately, I'm just easily distracted...
Happy New Year to you and yours Jackie and thank you for all the inspiration, humour and food for thought this year.I wish you all the best for 2010 and look forward to seeing what "falls out of your head".
It is us who should say 'thank you' to you Jackie for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
I can see by your followers that I'm not the only one who thinks that yours is one of the best blogs around. :)
Happy New Year. Looking forward to reading your blog and admiring your brooches over the coming year.
Happy new year, Jackie. Keep doing what you are doing, we all love you.
hey there blog friend! be well, be happy, be content, just be if that is enough! just don't stop blogging! Hooray for BLOGS!
I love your blog but I'm now worried I've a "irritating blog", but your work is lovely so I'm hoping that I'm not on your list, LOL.
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