Did you all have a good day?
We did, with visits from our sons and my Mother.
But boxing day is my favourite day of the year and I never arrange to go anywhere or do anything in particular.
Even the elusive Mummycat is relaxed and sitting still for a picture.
I am relaxing, watching TV and enjoying the calm and tidy atmosphere.
The little tiny tree looks very pretty in the front window.
Its the first Christmas for the newly decorated room and I thought I'd compare it with its former state this time last year. In the third picture in This Post
(It shows my Moose card from Carol Santora last year.
Carol has been a 'pen friend' for over 12 years. Her mother-in-law was in England and I met her one day in a Gallery where I was selling my sketch books. She took one for Carol with my address and we started writing to each other. Now we both have blogs so sadly we don't really write as such.)
No Moose card this year but look what we had instead. All the way from Kennebunk, Maine.
When Willow died in April Carol did this portrait of her in soft pastels.
I admired it on her blog and it brought tears to my eyes.
So can you imagine how I felt when it arrived here on Christmas Eve?
It was a most generous gift from Carol, beautifully framed and ready to hang.
Its from a photograph but it is so much more than the photograph, it has more life and depth.
It captures the personality of Willow.
We hung it immediately in the perfect spot.
Its a welcome addition to the room, a lovely reminder of a much missed pet, and a mark of the generosity of a friend far away.
I hope Carol and I will meet one day.
Other Christmas gifts were far more fleeting.
Oops..almost gone..mmmmm.....marzipan. I've always loved it.
My husband bought me this Guinea pig calendar.....
He knows me so well.
good morning blossom! we are having a very quiet one today also--sunshine and snow with son by my side---loving the calm and peace after a month of stress!
What a lovely keepsake of your Willow. She is a true friend indeed to give you something so special. Happy day after!
What a lovely tribute to Willow. I love the soulful eyes. It was a kind and thoughtful, friend who gave you the painting. You are very blessed.
You are right...Boxing Day is such a welcome relief. DH and I have been for a long walk in the sunshine ...bliss!
Your room looks lovely; and what a wonderful picture of Willow.(And what a friend you have in Carol!)
I hope 2010 brings you much happiness Jackie. Keep on blogging.....
Linda x
Oh Jackie the painting looks great where you hung it, like it was meant to be where it is! Dave is enjoying seeing the photos of your home and we both love it! So nicely decorated, too! It was one of my best Christmas gifts to receive a call from you on Christmas Eve!
It touches my heart that you love the painting so much. It was an honor to paint her!
That is a beautiful portrait of Willow. Happy Boxing Day!
I had the guinea pig calendar last year from my daughter -its brilliant. This year I made her one with photos of her gerbils with funny captions - mad or what!
Enjoy your peace and relaxation after all your hard work>
I like Boxing day too, it's always a bit more relaxed. The pastle drawing of Willow is so special.
What a wonderful gift from Carol, the portrait is very lifelike. Yum, I love marzipan too :)
Jackie!! What an amazing gift from a very talented lady!!! She obviously knows your heart!! i love the whole idea behind Boxing Day!! I never go anywhere on the day after Christmas anyway, as I just want to "be stilland quiet" for a bit.
Happy New Year my friend!!
A beautiful painting of Willow. What a thoughtful gift from your friend
Enjoy those last few marzipan sweeties! I've been the same with the Quality Street this year ... not many left! Kept the wrappers of course to recycle into beads (no, I never switch off!)
I do hope you share that guinea pig calendar with us! I shall look forward to pig of the month!
Enjoy the rest of the holidays and thank you so much for the lovely message you left me!
Soggibottom and everyone within passing by to wish you a very Happy New Year.....
I remember the night well......
x x x with love have a fantastic New Year Michele x x x and mogs and Amie Soto Blossom x
Your home is so lovely! I'm glad you've had such a nice day!
what a lovely home. We have the same guinea pig calendar!!!!
Ok...I'll bite....what is Boxing Day? =-)
The picture of Willow is well..wonderful. And such a thoughtful friend.
Happy Boxing Day. No Marzipam for me..lol...but a cup of hot chocolate.
I enjoyed that post Jackie. Thank you. So nice looking through your home, which looks so lovely and comfy. Makes one want to just sit and soak it all in.
You're sounding much more relaxed now.
All the best for 2010. Here's to much more peace, happiness and balance! x
The gift of Willow's portrait is overwhelming. How wonderful Jackie.
Marzipan is not my cup of tea, but I totally understand a love of guinea pigs. They are brimful of charisma and always seem busy and purposeful. Here's a secret - I do a passable impression of a guinea pig xxxxx
Your tree and house look wonderful. What a thoughtful gift.
what a lovely picture of Willow - glad you had a good day
Oh Jackie, What an amazing portrait of Willow. Carol captured Willow's personality perfectly.
I'm having a quiet day today and can't think of anything worse than rushing off to the sales straight after Christmas. Still, each to his/her own. Boxing Day is busy for us as all the family come to us in the evening - lovely. Your Christmas tree looks so beautiful and the portrait of Willow is stunning - what a wonderful surprise. Glad you had a lovely Christmas Day.
That is a beautiful picture, so kind of her to give it as a present. Now what to do with the cheese??? do you have mice in the shed? or somewhere!!
Bringing up the rear: What a beautiful picture to treasure along with memories of your precious dog......
Today is cold and wet and a rather special box of choccies awaits attention! :O)
Glad you had a good one....
Boxing Day is my favourite too! What a lovely memento of a beloved pet, she looks a sweetie. They really do leave paw prints on your heart don't they?
My daughter is thrilled with the brooch I bought from you as part of her Christmas present! Another satisfied customer!!
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