Saturday 16 May 2020

Blog in a time of be continued

Looking at my last post, I can’t believe how much has happened, or not happened, since that date.
Just after that we had our usual trip to Ireland, which was the best yet I think, despite our sailing during Storm Jorge, remember that?
We had a beautiful cottage opposite the sea, with a roaring fire and lots of room.
The skies were mostly blue. 


I met up with my lovely textiles Irish friends, Breda McNelis and Ester Kiely who as usual inspired and encouraged me. I felt a genuine sadness when we parted. 

We met at Kennedy’s bookshop in Galway which had the most moving and wonderful exhibition of work by John Behan, called Migrant. 
RTÉ arrived to film the Kenney family,  who had been there for a lot of years , I can’t remember how many. The lady with the red hair is a presenter for RTÉ .

Here are some of the pieces, which depict desperate people. 

I had a line visit to Polnabrone Dolmen and ended up talking politics with the warden. 

We enjoyed the music, the food, the friends and on our last night visited our favourite place, Linnanes Seafood bar at The Flaggy ashore. 

 This Seamus Heaney poem was on the wall and describes it well.
We didn’t see the swans this year, perhaps Jorge had driven them away.

There were hand sanitisers and slightly nervous and jokey mention of ‘The Virus’ at the Corofin Festival over the weekend. Not all the concerts were full. 
Just a hint of things to come. 


Heather said...

You must have such happy memories of your visit to Ireland. Love the stone cottage and the unspoiled scenery around it. It all looked beautiful and the exhibition must have been so interesting.

Beth said...

Good to hear from you Jackie and see pictures of your lovely trip. The world sure has changed since then. Stay safe, stay well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I so much regret not having had an opportunity to visit Ireland - I know it's beautiful. I did get to Scotland though and it has whole other form of beauty. Glad you enjoyed your trip and were able to go before all the horrible hit.

st of my pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

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