When uploading photographs of goods for sale to ETSY its particularly important to have good images. The original of this Harris Tweed heart was horribly sizzly and not at all like the real thing.
This is a second attempt today and I think its a bit better although the blue stitching isn't as obvious in reality.(You can click on the pictures for a closer look..twice each.)
The main reason for getting out the camera was to photograph these books which will be going into the shop soon.
They are white cartridge paper, acid free, made by The Pink Pig, and decorated by me with embroidery on silk paper.
This one is 6 by 6 inches square.
The next one is 4 inches by 6 inches
and this is a small 4 inches by 4 inches. Lovely to carry about for little notes or drawings.
There is an unpleasant blue tinge to this photograph but its actually a soft turquoise green cover with aqua and purple embroidery.
The theme of the book covers is earth colours
and I stuck to aqua and turquoise mainly.
But there are some black ones as they proved quite popular previously.
I love these 1950s colour schemes.
I'm not averse to a bit of pink..
and all of them have a little teeny something inside.
Because I'm like that.
I spent an awful long time uploading pictures and listing items in my shop, because I am not doing any more craft fairs before Christmas and made far more than I needed for the last one.
Its such fun to list goods and then go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning perhaps four things have been sold.
The sun never sets on the etsy empire.
Jacky ! Love your books and Iadore your color choices- off to shop!!
Love the "teeny something inside" notebooks!
Yummy!!! Will kepp my eyes open for those little charmers in your shop! xx
All very pretty Jackie! Love your colour combinations... and the little extra something inside!
Mmmmmmm these are gorgeous :)
ooh Jackie, they're a delight. what gorgeous Christmas present's they'd make. what a nice touch on the inside page too.
I really love your books. You are very talented. A x
The heart is lovely.
I have a fascination for notebooks going back to when I was a child. Yours look wonderful
Jackie, I wear one of your brooches on my coat and it is admired daily.
I adore my handbag that you so kindly made for me, it is so texturally gorgeous.
I also have daily pleasure from the sketchbook I own, which has the most exquisite velvety, rich embroidery adorning the cover, with that added little special touch inside.
I adore what you do. x
NOTE : to propspective buyers of Jackie's work ..... you will not be disappointed! Ditch the High Street...buy handmade!
These books are great Jackie and such a lovely gift for an artistic person - the little extra bit is such a sweet idea. I love the little heart too with its trim of tiny beads - it must have taken a while to sew them on even if it is small. Good luck with your Etsy shop - I'm sure you'll do well with it.
Fabulous! I don't see them in your shop yet. Maybe you are posting them as I "speak".
These would all be a pleasure to own and use! I like the black with the circles design.
The books are a great idea, and the little extra touch inside is inspired!
It all looks wonderful Jackie!! Be proud! Esp luv the books. My best pics are taken outside under our back deck during the day. But it can be sooo frustrating, I know, when they don't turn out looking how they're supposed to. x
Jackie those books are gorgeous! That first one is my absolute favorite. L.O.V.E them! You're so awesome :O)
If these were edible I surely would have eaten them by now - they are truly YUMMY!
I just love the books - what are they in English money?!!!!just mannaged to read your article in QA that I borrowed from a friend- really good - you are just so clever with colour
JP the exchange rate is different at different times so you can do a google currency conversion for today.(free P&P in uk.)
Thanks for your lovely comments as always.
I agree about light and photos we have had 3 weeks straight of rain in wales and today sun even in howling wind I was out on my deck madly photographing felt brooches!!!!! What's with my camera and peacock blue and greens? it does something very strange indeed :D
Gorgeous color choices for your journals Jacky. Am sure they will be snapped up quickly.
Glad the sun never sets on you etsy empire :). It is lovely when people buy from you overnight isn't it?
Dot x
i haven't visited in a very long time, but popped in for a peep at the lovelies that you make. i do hope you dont mind, i have chosen your work to feature on my faerietale blog tomorrow.
Hi Jackie,
I love your notebooks. All of your work is so vibrant and rich in colour.
I know what you mean about spending a long time, uploading good images for your Etsy shop. It is quite time consuming... I have just opened an Etsy and now realise how much time it requires!
Good to see you again.:)
Beautiful stuff, as usual.
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