We have had the most delightful three days, no, four of sunshine.
I have been walking again.
Under the perfect tree..this is it.
I dare not enthuse too much because no doubt someone will chop it about and ruin it. Thats what happens where I live.
I met a darling cocker spaniel puppy called Bella with whom I made free..picked her up for a cuddle and wished she were mine.
She was, as all puppies are, very busy and is therefore a blur.
This nice weather has me all spring cleany . Bit late.
I washed everything but my washing machine is soaped up and in need of some attention.
So I ironed.
I DO SO LOVE my I've-had-them-so-long-they-must-be-vintage-by-now embroidered pillowcases and my eleventy hundred threads to the inch Egyptian cotton sheets but the ironing..oh the ironing.
Still... its worth it.
I can't wait for bedtime. ...
I must just say here that I am SO GRATEFUL to all the people who read and/or comment on this blog.
I prattle on and show off and you even manage to bestow 22 comments on my showing off post.
I had two lovely private e mails that really made me feel humble..two readers who don't comment but sent me delightful messages to say they liked my blog.
Thank you so much everyone.
Keep prattling Jackie - whatever your have to say is always amusing and fun to read - even when you hare having a grumble!!!
Ditto the above Jackie. :)
Lovely walk (and I do love your favourite tree).
Beautiful you think you will get another dog? You seem such a canine lover and they are such wonderful company.
Congrats on your post below...beautiful work as always, deserves to be showcased.
Jacky xox
I agree with jacky on all points!! the tree, the dog, and the showcasing!! I think that it would be a huge step up for eveyone elses work if Your peices were always there as a wonderful invitation to look further!!!
Perhaps you could rescue a dog who is on the young side but beyond the puppy busy stage?????
I adore puppies too and we have several wonderful dogs, but it is always left to me to get in the wee hours to take them out when they are being trained as youngsters. I think that I can probably do without that now....
Enjoy your sun shine and those lux cotton sheets! I love my cotton sheets even without the ironing- you go above and beyond in that department but I am sure that it is worth it!!!
OMG - you mean we are supposed to iron pillow cases and bedding ... oh gawd!
I just **love** the smell of bed linens that have dried on the line...Oh such dreams!!
But to iron them??????? I agree with Carolyn .. OMG!!! Fainting at the thought!
prattle away Jackie - you know I love to read your blog.
I, too, iron my sheets...inspired by an Oprah show where she admits she has HELP to do the ironing....I like to think I live like a billionairess...though I have to do the work myself..that first night slipping into those sheets is heaven! I have another secret: For years, I owned only ONE set of sheets: NO NEED to fold and put them away! Just whisk them back onto the bed. And I discovered that the constant washing and wear softened them up in no time to a silky finish! Now, I confess, I have cleaning help, so I keep a really profligate TWO sets of sheets...and am waiting patiently for the newer set to be fully broken in.
I'm so glad to hear that someone irons sheets and pillowcases these days. I don't but it reminds me of all those years my mom did. Washing on Saturday and ironing on Sunday - cleaning the little apartment we lived in was done on Thursday. She cleaned other people's houses for a living.
I like you blog Jackie...and I really like you...especially your erotica posts!!!! if you enjoy ironing pop over to our house ...there is a huge pile of school shirts to do...non of it vintage though
Most definately one of the simple joys in life is getting into a freshly laundered bed.
As for your blog, I don't know what I would do without you.
You are a much adored lady! And you see, even though people like my mum thought they had been liberated by drip dry nylon sheets, people like you and I still revert back to the lovely old cotton ones. :O) x
Your bed linen sounds and looks beautiful. I bet it's of better quality than anything readily available nowadays. We have had 3 or 4 beautiful days too - lunch in the garden and lots of work done out there. The footpath in your photo and your lovely tree look so inviting - I would love to walk along there. Your blog is always interesting, colourful and inspiring - so whatever you are doing, just keep doing it please!
What a happy post! You deserve all the praise that you get for your blog because you put so much effort into it and into supporting other bloggers.
As for the picture of the cocker spaniel puppy - too adorable for words!
It has been so beautiful, hasn't it? Glad you are out and enjoying the walking and HUGE congrats on making the front page.
I love to read about your days good and not so good, makes me feel normal as i seem to have some of the 'issues'. I agree the puppy was gorgeous DH has said once we move north again and don't rely on peoples kindness for exeat weekends we can have a puppy (black lab) and we will hold him to it!!!! do you think you will ever have another dog?
keep showing your beautiful work you are very inspirational. x
I always iron the bedlinen very carefully for my B&B guests, and a little less carefully for myself - but I do have a steam generator iron so it makes it a bit easier. But it's worth it for the feel of those lovely crisp cotton sheets!
Pomona x
Jackie, you can always do my ironing if you get's in the cupboard under the stairs.
Another tree lover, aren't they beautiful this time of year in the SUN SHINE.
No sewing but a delightful post anyway .
I digg you Jackie
The penny's dropped ... golden balls ... lol :o)
Yes, you can digg me if you tell me how to get that digg button. I'm averagely technophobic ... I can't work it out!!!
A beautiful tree. Thanks for the heads up about the Harris Tweed programme. I could not believe that Mr Haggis should choose to ignore those beautiful colours. Wish I still had my Harris tweed hacking jacket, although I probably wouldn't fit into it now!
Hi Jackie, any chance I could see a snap of how you attach your brooches to a pin? Ive been looking back on flicker and notice those gorgeous round ones, which are simialar to the ones I make, but not as professional looking as yours.
Thanks for the comment Jackie. I have been checking in to you quite often and wish I could summon up half your enthusiasm and creativity. On the dog front, when my lovely westie Bonnie died at 13 I was heartbroken, but only lasted 8 weeks before having Lulu. 9 weeks before she died we had Misty, a sheepdog, who replaced Belle who was killed at the age of 7, I was devastated - it took us 3yrs to get Misty. You will know when it's the time is right.---I've just read your doggy blog, so that's why I'm getting a bit sentimental.
I have a terrible soft spot for spaniels too Jackie and spaniel pups are just so gorgeous and soft. So much energy tho!
I am definitely a minimum ironer and sheets and duvet covers don't get a look in!
ha ha ironing, yes, I remember that..I think. You could post about puppy poo and we would love your wit! :) And I hear ya about the tree, it's like that here too. I feel like I need to take pictures of all of them before they are torn up..
Happy to see you have finally had some sunny days!!!
If you look at Linda Miller's blog, you'll see there's a textiles tv programme coming up. More info can be found if you look at talkingtextiles website too. You can leave your email address to get a reminder when it's about to broadcast and there's also a dvd for sale.
And no, I'm not on commission but thought you might like to watch!
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