Sorry to have been away so long.
The reasons are various.
Lack of inspiration.
Addiction to and compulsive playing of online Scrabble.
A severe bout of hypochondria brought about by the discovery of elderly neighbour on bathroom floor having had a heart attack, and lack of time due to subsequent visiting of said neighbour in one hospital 5 miles away,and her husband in another 12 miles away in the opposite direction.
So an ECG, and a course of indigestion pills later here I am.
Now brace yourselves for this....
My brother plays golf.
He asked me to make him some head covers for his clubs.
I was excited.
But the results of the experiments at the the felt group yesterday are...well..see for yourself.
The first picture reminds me of the hospital visits...(mens ward)
Do you see what I mean?
Better try again.
In my longer than usual absence I have been nominated for a sunshine blog award by no fewer than 4 other bloggers.
So instead of passing it on to a chosen few, I will link to those who nominated me and if you feel like nominating yourself..feel free.
So here they are and I thank them all. They have lovely blogs well worth a visit.
Maria of Creative Bumblebee
Do go and have a look at her fairy costume work.
Elizabeth Armstrong , the studio felter
If you want to see how its done, beautiful felt work look there.
Annica of Fabulous Threads with gorgeous felt and stitching and a glimpse into Swedish life.
And Fibrefrolics where you can see more felting and some lovely photography.
Do look at the snowdrop post, its beautiful.
I am way behind with blog reading but do my best. Don't always comment but do try to read.
Must go ..its my turn in one of my scrabble games.
I am so happy to have you back, truly missed you. Please don't stay away as long ever again!
glad to see you back - I was wondering if all was well.
Life throws us curve balls sometimes .... as long as you are okay, that's all that matters.
Nice to have you back!
Glad to know you are ok, we all need a little rest every once in a while.
Missed you too. I wish I was your neighbour.
Sounds like you have slipped into a mild depression. A few tablets of chromium will help set you to rights and perk up your spirit. We don't get all the minerals we need in the winter time.
Thank goodness you're not ill...I was worried but didn't want to be nosey!!
I love the head covers, maybe not for clubs though!!
Keep going...
It's hard sometimes....maybe you could book yourself into my friend Sandy's apartment ?? see my post titled Sewing at Sandy's...go know you want to???
Take care
So glad you are back - missed you! My displacement activity is online monopoly!! I too must switch it off!!
Poor neighbours and poor you Jackie. I did laugh at your golf club covers. I see what you mean!
Dear Jackie - So sorry to hear about how you've been feeling. Please don't apologise for taking time out when you need it.Be kind to yourself. Best wishes and hugs,Julia x
something very very smutty is on the tip of my tongue.....but I will resist...glad you are back I have missed you my friend....
Ar! Thanks very much babe. Been missing you....... Iv had a bit of a giggle with the hospital thing. Though im sure it'll do the purpose!! xx
Only you have the ability to make me roar with laughter..... that was soooo funny re the men's ward......
Glad you are back. Sorry life has been so hectic though.
I do hope your brother likes the golf club covers. You might start a trend and find yourself with a mass of commissions!!! Good luck Jackie -
Hi Jacky,
Fun felting!
I hope you are feeling OK.
m X
Online gaming can be a way to waste serious amounts of time (ask me how I know)!! It's not surprising that you have had a reaction to your experiences - post traumatic shock they call it. Just be nice to yourself. I love your felt efforts even if they aren't quite right yet.
Nice to have you back - hope you are feeling better. What a good neighbour you are and what a horrible shock to find someone like that and have to deal with the situation. Love the golf club 'hats'!
Glad to see you back. On line games can get so addictive can't they. Love the bright orange you've used for the covers.
A x
Hello hello, Lovely to see you popping back here. You've made me smile today - tricky with D & V in the house.
I love the way the covers have dimples in - are they felted with little stones embedded?
glad your back Jackie - missed you - do see what you mean about the golf covers!!!!!!
Glad to see you are back. Hope your brother appreciates the club covers although you had better not tell him that all of blogland knows what they really are! Thanks for the links.
Glad you're ok Jackie. Well done for looking after your neighbours but look after yourself too. I laughed at the golf covers, I see the similarity ;o) That last one would look good with a face stitched on. Enjoy the Scrabble!
Hi my name is Aileen and I'm addicted to online Scrabble..........What can I do though! My husband won't play me anymore because as soon as I start winning he gets all despondent and says there's not much point in playing on. Can I help it if I know that Qi is a word and he leaves triple word score squares open next to I's?
I got the Sunshine award too and would have nominated you too : )
glad your back, now tell that mojo to come back as well
I am sure these felt things can be remade into something else - maybe a whole new industry there for you -I am sure I saw an alien whiz by...
It's lovely to see you whenever you post Jackie. I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a bit of a tough time - it would seem that almost everyone I know hasn't really 'enjoyed' this winter. Been a bit pants all round. Hope you feel much better soon ... and I really like the look of your prototype club cover! x
Jackie, Hello!
Thank you for dropping by,I was going to lurk for a good while longer (posting crap photos is not good!) but then I thought, what the heck.
Papier mache is off radar for the moment but I have other plans afoot. Crochet is for fun, something that had gone a little astray in my quest for papier mache domination, though I am getting better on a daily basis! The terrors of starting from scratch.I feel quite liberated to be honest.
Anyhow, thanks again and nice to hear from you,
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