It took a while to get into the swing of creating things but I feel quite happy with the overall package.
I love piles of things, boxes of stuff, rather like folded quilts.
They are all peeping out trying to get you to look at them.
Clamouring for attention.
Allow me to introduce a few.
Its great to be re-acquainting myself with my stash of Harris Tweed. This time I've added some felt shapes. (You may have seen one of these before)
As usual I've found that Harris Tweed has hidden depths and a piece I dismissed previously, because it didn't match my idea of HT, is now the love of my life.
Just look at the colours here.
There's another colourway but I don't have much of any of it sadly.
Just enough for a little purse or two and some hearts and circle brooches.
The round brooches take longer to make than you would imagine.
I tried them with big beads.
I especially like the blue ones.
The Autumn sun provided the light for these pictures.
I was doubtful it would be bright enough but I think the glow is perfect.
There's always a bit of fluff where you don't want it though isn't there?
*Please excuse me for judging my own work to be delightful..I just like the turn of phrase
You have been very busy, I love your HT bits, I also enjoyed watching the program, thanks to the link you gave your blog readers. I now look at HT in a completely different way.
Like the best sweetie shop in the world.
Beautiful box of delights - wonderful colours. I guess you missed my piece on show in the Connections (embelisher) exhibition at ally pally - even I couldn't get to see it. Glad to see you back Jackie.
Your work is delightful, so fresh and colorful! I too love Harris Tweed, each of my babies was given a lovely Baby Blanket of Harris tweed.
It is delightful! I agree with Silverpebble it looks like the treasures in the sweet shop.
Oh they're all just beautiful Jackie! Even the bit of fluff! ;^)
Good luck with it all.
I've somehow managed to miss your previous post! No idea how, given that you're on my blog list so I can see when everyone has updated. I'm so loving the pieces in that post. Esp the natural coloured ones. x
such gorgeousness!!
That truly is a box of delights. Lucky person who gets to open it and put it all on display. Good luck with it, you deserve it.
They are beatiful like candies but not the kind of sugar that puts those extra pounds on. Yummy! They aren't going to last long..
You are most certainly allowed to say your work is delightful, because it IS!!! Makes me think of a box of reeeallly dark chocolates - yummy and full of surprises. Mmmm.
I know it is at least 3 hours to Conningsby, so another half an hour???? onto Skeggy (I hope)
Yes, I had to carve all the background away,I am trying to work out what to do for the next exercise now.
Absolutely gorgeous! I enjoyed looking at all the lovely pictures of your creations!
Jackie :: you never cease to make me drool over the beauty of your work. Stunning creations.
I love multiples too. If one item works, isn't it obvious that LOTS and LOTS of them would be even better?
WOW! You have really been busy. I love all the beautiful colors.
If this treasure trove doesn't knowck their socks off, they're blind! Super!
It is indeed delightful. And it looks like Christmas.
Well done Jackie, good job it's not 'touch a vision' I just love them all, slober slober slober!!!
Go Jackie! Good to see you revving back up to top gear.
oh jackie, your work is so lovely...and the harris tweed, you know that you have got me addicted now dont you...when we go back to skye in the spring I am determined to go to that warehouse..and sill the little green van with tweed...hope you and yours are well, I am trying to pluck up courage for a shower...its a bit primative!
Delightful seem the perfect description... just love those Harris tweed colours!
I can see them on a certain shop counter in Scotland ....
Delightful is right! No wonder you took their picture all together - what a wonderful collection of loveliness! Wish that parcel was coming to my house ....
I think it is delightful too!
Delightful is just the right word for your work Jackie. It's delightful to look at, delightful to wear and hopefully delightful to make (as long as the sewing machine behaves well and you can find the colours you want to put together). I hope you have a sell out. The colours in the Harris Tweed are amazing and help create the overall jewelled effect.
What a stunning box of your glorious artistic accomplishments!! I would want to purchase one of each !!!
Simply fabulous !! Glorious pictures as well!!
Gorgeous work as always...they do look good enough to eat!
(and hey, if you don't love your work, no one else will either, so no need to apologize for praising it!)
I can't believe how many beautiful things you've made Jackie. Prolific springs to mind!!!
1. Producing offspring or fruit or embroidered delights in great abundance.
2. Marked by abundant inventiveness and productivity.
These look scrummy, I hope they all go to good homes. I love the red and blue ht best too.
love the box of delights and look forward to seeing them at the Platform when we go - my familly might even buy me one as a present as they often get me something from there!!
Thank you to everyone for lovely who comments. JP I don't know how to reply to you, but thank you for your comments. Do you live near the Platform Gallery?
Lovely! You should be feeling mighty pleased!
Just like opening gifts on christmas morning. These photos are gorgeous! Your work is a feast for the eyes, Jackie.
Wonderful work, lots of treasure in YOUR box. The colours sing and your Harris tweed is very beautiful
Are you entering? Can you let me know your faves:
If you don't want an inspiration pack I will make you something else, if pulled. Would love to hear from you
C xxxx
it all looks very scrummy
Lovely-sumptuous but still homely. Tweed and velvet, silk and felt make for the best box of delights.
The HT is gorgeous,never knew I loved it until I saw your work!
What a gorgeous selection of colours!
Hi Jackie - no I don't really as we live in Warrington but my son and daughter-in law live in Colne and we introduced the to the Plat form - will have to meet you one day when you are there for coffee in Clitheroe - so may places to go!
So many lovely things there - your work is really delightful, definitely!
Pomona x
Just gorgeous - that's it.
Your silk muscle is SO toned! (positively popeye-esque)
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