
Friday 10 February 2012


Harris Twed bags made their appearance again last weekend to bulk out my stand at the craft fair and give a bit of rest to the eye between having to cast it over hundreds of teeny things.
I mentioned this on facebook but instead of talking about my stand I called it a 'stall'. this gave rise to a comment for a 'Ned Scrumpo' to the effect that there's nothing like a load of bags on a stall'. 
Hmm. I couldn't decide whether this was a rude comment or not but if you google 'him' and read his blog you'll see he is a fan of lavatorial I'm afraid I was very mean and deleted his comment. I mean...if you are leaving slightly dubious comments on embroiderers pages and describe yourself as a 'miserable old git' whats that all about?
However his blog is quite funny and perhaps I do take myself too seriously.

Anyway back to the bags.
This one has winged its way to a new home already. Gorgeous Blue and olive Harris tweed and lime and royal velvet are the ingredients.

The two below are available in my shop see link to the right.
 This one is a lovely mixed Tweed windowpane check and I had fun adding rust Tweed to match and a turquoise lining.

 Finally a bright eye catching pink/maroon/lilac/orange tweed. I bought this tweed in Harris itself. When I saw it I almost squealed with excitement its so lovely. I had just the exact pink velvet to add to it.

 Now do you remember this wool I received from Elizabthe Armstrong? I made green and some pink and orange felt from it.
 Then I had a little play and made a corsage from it which I kept off the blog as I sent it to Elizabeth.
She received it so I can show it now. I was quite pleased with it and so was she. I put a huge pin on the back rather like a large safety pin with a pad at the top. I might make these to order. A lot of work.
Well back to real life.
We are off to the West of Ireland in a few weeks. We asked if we could take Hetty. 
The Cottage owners said yes. 
The ferry company said yes.
My friend who is coming with me for a few days said 'Yes, do '
So when I had to take my Mum to the hospital for a physio session (she's dislocated her shoulder) I thought I'd take Hetty  with me to get her used to being in the car.
She was sick on the way there.
And sick on the way home.
I think the ferry might be a step too far.


  1. Oh..poor Hetty. She might have to go to kennels.
    Love your bright brooches and bags.
    Some people are just plain mean(re that person's comment). DELETE is the only thing to do with those kind of people.

  2. Poor Hetty - do ask your vet's advice about treating her for travel sickness. I'm sure dogs have travel pills too.
    Love the bags and corsage - such glowing colour combinations and soft textures.

  3. You make lovely tweedbags!
    I have some tweed in my storage, think it`ll have to come out on the table some day soon, you inspire me:) Good luck with the dog!

  4. i love my harris tweed. I still have not done anything with it yet. I just look at it. I will do something with it one day.

  5. The bags are lovely and so different from anything else I've seen.

    Poor Hetty. I think dogs are like people - some can travel and some can't. We've had four dogs and two were fine but two were often car-sick.
    Also, I may be wrong, but I think Hetty would have to stay in the car below deck on the ferry which is not a good place if you are travel sick - you need fresh air!

  6. Thanks everyone. Lyn its right the dog would have to stay on the car deck. I don't think she's ready for it yet.

  7. Poor Hetty, I know there is something that can be given to dogs to stop sickness ( not sure it works for all dogs though). Maybe it's not a good idea just yet to try the ferry, will she have to go into kennels or do you have a lovely son that will look after her?
    We're taking Betsy to Norfolk with us in May that will be the longest car journey she would have had.So far her longest car journey has been 45 minutes, we will do a couple of longer trips with her before then so fingers crossed Betsy doesn't suffer like Hetty.

  8. Oh, I am sorry about Hetty. We had our daughter's dog, Lily, for 3 years while Molly went to graduate school. Lily got sick just thinking about the car. Then Molly finished graduate school and we needed to get Lily to her in New York (3,000 miles, more or less). We were afraid to put her in a plane where she would be alone in her misery, but we got pills from the vet and gave them to her exactly as he said. I am happy to report that we made it all the way across the US without incident. Oh, except for the car breaking down. But the dog was fine! I really recommend it!

  9. Ask your vet for an anti-nausea aid for Hetty. Our first dog suffered with car-sickness and the medicine made her totally comfy, if a bit sleepy. It wears off quickly.

  10. Thanks all. I think we'll leave it until next year, and meanwhile try her with short journeys until she gets used to car travel. My son is happy to look after her for the week ...but I will miss her!

  11. I love the bags! Especially the pinks. I made a carry-all from wool tweed eons ago to carry my art supplies, and I'm thinking of cutting it down and making a smaller tote since the material is mostly still in good shape. Thanks.

  12. That pink bag is so striking! Lovely! Of course the greens are more my favorite but there's something about that pink.

    Hmm, poor Hetty. I'd say to get her used to traveling by car. If the trips are short and there's some sort of reward at the end of it .. say, a visit to a dog park or nice treat .. then perhaps she'll get used to it and not be so anxious and car-sick. But maybe not for an extended trip as of yet. Our dog has been traveling by car since we picked him up from the breeders at 9 1/2 weeks and he's now 2 years old and still is a travel dog.

  13. Beautiful tweed I love the pink one, how unusual.
    What a miserable 'old git' deleting the comment is the only way.
    Poor hetty our old boy was sick occasionally, maby she'll grow out of it.

  14. Your tweed bags are gorgeous Jackie. And the corsage you made for Elizabeth is stunning! (I will ask to see it when I next see her).
    Hope Hetty gets over her travel sickness (poor darling).

  15. Your vet can prescribe anti-sickness pills, they are expensive but you will only need two, they made Kizzie drowsy but she wasn't sick on quite a long journey.

    A crate in the back of the car with towels and blankets is very good at containing any mess :)

    The handbags are gorgeous,

  16. It's nice to change the scale of what one does from time to time and the tweeds are fabulous. I also like the tweed birds on your stall in the previous blog post.

  17. So many lovely things on this post Jackie - the pink bag is gorgeous and so is the little brooch. Have a good break. x Jo

  18. Funny story indeed, made me giggle! Beautiful bags I love the one that has sold, the pink a close second, pretty little brooch too. Thats a shame about Hetty but just as well you gave it a trial run, could have been worse!

  19. oh poor Hetty, I agree with Heather about seeing the vet its a shame for her to miss out! as for the bags...what can I say they are gorgeous!

  20. The bags are gorgeous - you have a great eye for colour!

  21. Oh dear, poor Hetty, hope the vet can help - not sure if you would be able to be parted from her? Lovely work, intense colour and texture, just gorgeous as always ...

  22. The bags are gorgeous. Have a great trip. Have you thought of consulting the vet re the travel sickness? My cats had to have something when we moved from Surrey to Derbyshire.

  23. I am sorry to have missed the Fair at Astley Hall but I didn't see your post till afterwards. I have now joined your blog so I won't miss out in the future. I love your brooches they are so colourful.

  24. Lucky you had a test drive with your dog! Your bags are lovely and classy and elegant!
    best, nadia

  25. I tried everything with my little dog: homeopathic pills, herbal pills, vet pills (NB not all at once!!), a DAP diffusing collar, bribes, rewards and, finally, a very careful, extended 'de-sensitisation' programme, with help from a dog trainer. And guess what I got: drool and vomit. Yikes. I used the car only when there was no other option. BUT in the end he just grew out of it. Spontaneously. At about 12 months. Patience might be the answer!

  26. Poor puppy!! Our Odin never did get over being car sick, despite gamely taking gravol (vet suggested it) each and every time.

  27. oh dear, sick dogs and ferries...not a good mix...
    and YOU KNOW I would have deleted that a heartbeat..

  28. What a beautifully colourful post Jackie. I adore the flower in the last image and your tweed pieces are always inspiring.

  29. wonderful, your bags! warm greetings from Paris!


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