
Tuesday 21 February 2012

This and that.

Etsy is a great place isn't it? I have had these pieces in my ETSY shop more or less since I started it. They've had a lot of comments 'faves' and treasuries and now they've gone.

Bittersweet really. They brought me in some lovely and much needed cash. (Remember we spent all our money on a dog!) but still it was quite sad to see them go.

 When I got them out to pack them, I loved them all over again. It always happens. I had forgotten what they were like. The background is silk paper I made ages ago and they have a lot of stitching on.
 They are loosely inspired by fifties decor.
 I hope the buyer likes them.
I've sold quite a number of larger pieces lately on ETSY. The feedback has been very positive.
Its a great feeling.
Now feast your eyes. I went to Hebden Bridge last week and came upon this gorgeous florists. I don't think they had a bright or stiff carnation in the place. Everywhere was subtle and natural. Just gorgeous.

The photos speak for themselves.

This is the canal in Hebden Bridge. Can you spot the Heron?

I found a good place to park which gave this lovely view of the industrial archeology.
Its a very interesting place where I meet my blog buddy Helen from 'A Time to Dance' blog. We sit and eat cake and then wander round the shops.

I didn't buy a thing, because my house is full.

I recently acquired a small cupboard I'd had my eye on for some time which I knew was going to be thrown out at church. I measured across it and had just the place for it. 
Unfortunately I didn't measure the now its in the wash-house pending relocation.

That'll teach me.
Puppy class tonight. Cant wait.
Hope Hetty behaves.


  1. Congrats on those Etsy sales. That piece of work is gorgeous - of course the buyer will love it.
    Hebden Bridge looks beautiful and the florist's display is stunning. Be good for Mummy Hetty!

  2. I know it's hard to give things away that you have made. I usually don't mind if it's family, but when it's someone you don't know it's alot harder. You do have the photos to see how they looked. You might make a couple you like even more.
    Love the flowers and the Bridge. You have such unique places in the U.K. I love that you keep your old buildings. My alma mater tore down the library they built new after I was married. Had to build something new... I loved the old library. It had stacks of books off of a spiral stairway... ahhhhh. So lovely, and the reading room was a big room with long tables and hunting trophys up high on the wall. (Looked a little like a Harry Potter scene.) That room is now the chancellor's office.
    Your doggie is so precious.

  3. Congratulations on your sales, can see why you were sad to let them go! The flower shop is beautiful and as you say so natural.

  4. Loved your post Jackie and many congratulations on your sales, they're beautiful!

  5. Well done with the Etsy sales. Those flowers are beautiful. I have never been to Hebden Bridge.

  6. I think the singer songwriter Steve Tilston lives in Hebden Bridge. I always imagined it to be smaller. Lovely flower shop! I did my training in one like that where the carnations and chrysanths were kept in the basement out of site. Your textile pieces and gorgeous and I'm sure they will be treasured by their new owners. I know what you mean about parting with older pieces that mean so much. Oh and we've been on Etsy for the same amount of time : )I think I have only got into the groove with it in the last year though.

  7. Congratulations on selling your larger pieces on etsy! I have had my eye on them for ages - looks like I missed out :). Very glad they have gone to a good home. The florist display is beautiful...
    Dot xx

  8. Congratulations on the sales, they're very well deserved, I'd been admiring those pieces of work in your Etsy shop for a while :)

  9. Now that's what I call a real florist - it must have been heavenly in there.

    I'm sure the Etsy buyer will love her purchases because they're extremely pretty!

    I wouldn't worry about Hetty. You can see by the photo that butter wouldn't melt..............

  10. whoo! I can see why it would be tough to let those pieces go!! and thank you for the beautiful flower pictures... I can see the shapes working their way into your felt down the line!

  11. Wonderful peaces, flowers and dog's noses!

  12. I'm sure the buyer is happy - your work is beautiful! :)
    Oh, puppy is so cute! :)

  13. Lovely pieces and I can see why part of you is sad to see them go. I know that flower shop well, will miss going there as I love Hebden Bridge and surrounding area.

  14. A lovely post - congratulations on the sales and your photographs are a feast for the eyes.

  15. Hello,

    very fine photographs of the industrial architecture. I love this kind of photography.

    Regards Senna

  16. Well done on your sales. The flower shop you discovered looks so very lovely and subtle in your photos. Hoping Hetty was a good girl ;O)

  17. Congratulations! It looks as though Hetty has been working hard on something and tired herself right out!

  18. Wonderful post Jackie, I am sure your pieces will be much loved in their new homes. How did you manage not to buy some flowers from that beautiful shop? Hebden Bridge looks fascinating. Cheers

  19. I enjoyed reading your blog and well done with your sales!

  20. I loved those (was probably one of those faves!) but I can imagine it is hard to let those beauties go. I have things I've made i just can bring myself to put in my shop---how could someone love that doll, or quilt,etc, as much as me? ha! Your shop is full of beautiful treasures! xo

  21. I've nominated you for a Liebster Award for blogging! Read about it at...

  22. These are beautiful and you do still have your pictures of them to treasure. I do not mind when pirces that i make go as i always have photos to remember them with. Hugs Mrs A. I was getting plagued by spam and instesad of putting word verification on switched off anonymous comments as this new veriffyer is quite difficult to read. Hugs mrs A.

  23. Hello! I put your name down for a Versatile Blogger award. It's just for fun, mostly, but enables other bloggers to encounter your blog. If you click on my page (Seven Deadly Sins) you'll find out more. Sorry, that sounds ominous, but it isn't!

  24. Well done! It is hard to part with some pieces, isn't it? But thanks for sharing, you've inspired me to try selling some larger pieces on Etsy.

    And those gorgeous!!

  25. I'm so glad you sold those pieces - hurrah! Didn't we have a lovely time? You may be wondering why I have time to blog? eleven days in bed is driving me mad - I am not a good patient, the highlight of my day is a trip to the loo which takes an age as I shuffle along - but the op was a success and I'm impatiently waiting to heal....

  26. Hi Jackie, a friend pointed me in the direction of your blog; I'm glad she did. All your stuff is absolutely fabulous. I love the piece shown at the top of this post and adore your hearts, flowers and leaves and the bags. The mix of tweed and velvet is scrummy :-)
    Anne x

  27. Those pieces are glorious!! i know that the new owner will adore them and they might even generate some more sales!! LOVE those ETSY sales!! I just sold an older piece to a gal from France- I ahd similar feelings to yours!
    The flower shots are such a treat and that darling little Hetty is such a love. Remember she is only a toddler and it takes these toddlers a while to settle down and learn to focus, especially in puppy Kindergarten!! It is snowing as we speak here in VA!! It is MArch!! Oh this wonky weather!!!
    Big Hugs!

  28. Thanks for all those lovely comments.

  29. Congrats for the sales on Etsy! But I understand your feelings, those works are great! Very lovely! So fun to hear that you can sale bigger pieces on Etsy, and got the pay you want?? I take more photos than I am sewing these days, Beautiful photos by the way!

  30. Lovely flowers and I am sure the purchaser will love your work.

  31. I love Hebden Bridge, only about 20 minutes drive for me, and I know just the flower shop you visited. It is a complete inspiration as is your blog.


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