
Monday 6 February 2012

The Day After the Fair

 Yawn yawn I hear you say. Another stall picture. 
Well it was a lovely craft fair if a little chilly , and I met a lot of lovely friends,and blog readers (Hello Chris, Hello Barbara! )  and was  very lucky to be among such delightful people. 

 Selling wasn't what you might call brisk but it was steady  and I seemed to sell a lot of 'one offs' and just one or two of each item.

 The Park ay Astley Hall looked wonderful in the mist, and the sun actually shone later in the day.

 There is a super cafe and I availed myself of its facilities! (On more than one occasion!) 
 Now I've stuffed my etsy shop full to the brim with all the things I made last week and more besides.These Harris Tweed hearts are appropriate for the time of year. 
 They will be there tomorrow..I'm off out in a minute so haven't time to finish listing.
 I really like them with the beads around the edge, but I love tweed anyway and with Velvet added...well...what can you say?
The sale is over for the General public, but if you are a blog reader you may continue with the 20% discount code TWENTYTWELVE
Click HERE to go to my shop.


  1. Your stall looks absolutely gorgeous! LOVE all of your colourful brooches!

  2. I never tire of your stall photos - they're eye candy!
    Astley Hall looks fab and I'm glad you had a good day and I hope your Etsy shop does well with the new listings.

  3. I'm glad you had a good day at the fair - the stand looked wonderful, really colourful and cheery. Love the sticky out beads on the brooches, too.

  4. My, your stall looks so tempting I am surprised you weren't knocked down in the rush. I hope the rest sell quickly on Etsy for you. Wonderful photos of the mist around Astley Hall, but I am glad I am here in the heat and not there in the freeze. Cheers

  5. What a beautiful venue for the Craft Fair - your stall looks wonderful and so inviting. Your customers had plenty of gorgeous things to chose from. Good luck with finding more good homes for things on Etsy.

  6. What a great setting for the fair, and your stall looks pretty as ever. I would love to commission a Harris Tweed bag, do you do that sort of thing? If you do can you mail me to with some idea of cost please.
    Many thanks, Heike x

  7. I always like to see pictures of your stall as it is so well presented. Glad that you made some sales.

  8. Gorgeous. I'm glad the sun came out as well as sales being made!

  9. I love pictures of stalls...your work is so beautiful:)

  10. your booth looks delightful! glad I wasn't there, I would have spent too much money! as I think I've said before, I love how your work keeps evolving - here I think of the inclusion of TWEEDS.

  11. coo scrumptious Jackie. the depth of that orange velvet on the blue tweed is to die for and I love those little bags (I think)

  12. Your stand looks beautiful, like a box of chocolates!

  13. Your posts are never boring - I love looking at your beautiful work x

  14. I NEVER mind your lovely full tot he brim stall shots!! YUM YUM !! off to shop!!

  15. Your stall looks lovely and what a beautiful setting.
    M x

  16. What a delight your stall looks - congratulations on a steady stream of customers - those tweed brooches are gorgeous.

  17. loved your stall really attractive and inviting!


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