
Thursday 3 May 2012

Move along..there's nothing to see...

 Just a few more brooch fronts.
 in different shades.
 and different shapes.
 Last saturday was the Embroiderers' Guild Northwest regional day in Preston. It was an enjoyable day. I added my Horrockses dress to the others on display. Here are a few including mine.

 Here are some real Horrockses dresses brought along by Dr Caroline Alexander from the Harris Museum who gave the morning talk. Its was really good despite the fact that her presentation wouldn't work and she had to rely on a few photos. 
She was a good lively speaker though and it didn't matter.
In the afternoon we had a talk from Sue Rangeley whose work is exquisite and neat and insiring. She's worked in fashion for years and it was her little applique purse that drew me into the BBC series about embroidery about 30  years ago, and then onto City and guilds.

I won first prize in an odd sort of competition where there were only 4 entries. It used to be sponsored by Coats Anchor and the pieces had to contain their threads, but they've given up sponsorship so it was a bit of a let down.

 In further news: I found a 17 spot ladybird in the garden.
  Is that unusual?
As always....
 I've been making felt
 of various hues.
 I've added backs to the aforementioned brooch fronts

 and made a few more fronts.
 Its odd when I make felt. Sometimes its speaks to me...this one says  Vanessa Bell/Charleston Farmhouse. Its dark and glowing. But I have a bit of a block because I don't know what to do with it. I'm doing a workshop next week where we are making felt and stitching on it and I don't know quite what to say about stitching on this piece.
 That may be why I dreamt I was teaching French and had to start by admitting that I couldn't speak French.
This one is supposed to 'speaking ' of the Burren.
 Will I make little pieces or stitch on it as a whole? I don't know. I stitched a little piece from some of the felt in the first picture and I was quite pleased with it.

 so I stitched a few more.

Guess what? It was my fourth bloggiversary last week on Saturday and I didn't blog about it.
Thats odd.
 Its a special day too as its the day we lost Willow a year later.

When I first started blogging I was obsessed with it. I took my camera out with me to take pictures of things to blog about. I really like some of my earlier posts and still enjoy reading them.

I made a group of lovely virtual friends and always read and commented on their blogs via google reader.
Lately I've been lazy and haven't read. Didn't dare go to Google reader for fear of the number of unread posts I had to catch up with, but when I did I found that not many of them had been blogging...just like me. 
I still love all the lovely comments and welcome you all, but at the same time I miss the 'community' I had at the beginning. I can't hope to read and reply to all the comments I get now and for that I am truly sorry .
As its my bloggiversary, I think I should have a giveaway, as a little 'thank you' for lovely comments, but its hard not to appear cynical  as only one person can win and it usually does boost readership and comments. So if you will forgive me, leave a comment here and I will choose a winner on Monday. You can choose a brooch if you win. I don't mind where you live.
Thank you for reading.



  1. I know the seems more work than it used to be, and at the expense of the real work---can't blog without the making, after all. Still, i come here to rest my eyes or rejuvenate my eyes, depending on your colour scheme :)

  2. I know the feeling too, but I'm on a bit of a HIGH at the moment, so I am enjoying blogging and sharing. The bubble may burst!

    I love the brooch fronts and will be really interested to see what you do you with the Burren piece of felt.


  3. I've always loved your felted pieces. Blogging keeps me working, so I have something to show-like getting lessons done for school. When I'm tired, I surf.

  4. I love your brooches. I also understand your feelings about blogging. I've been doing it now for about 6 years and it was so much fun in the beginning. It's now become a bit more work. I have made some really wonderful friends by blogging and even though most of us don't blog as often as we used to, we still stay in touch. My blogoversary is in 43 days and if it goes like it did last year, I'll forget all about it! :)

  5. All perfectly understandable Jackie. Have been a lot that way myself for a while, and I'm using menopause for an excuse. Works for me!! :)))
    But I do still read my fav blogs from time to time and will make a comment if I feel it's needed. I think we all put way too much pressure on ourselves in the beginning hoping we can be the best to everyone, but you know it's just not possible. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I need to be doing it for myself, and not try to be something I'm not or someone that I imagine I'm supposed to be for someone who might not even be there!! Oh my, did you get my gist there!? lol.
    Do it for you Jackie, and only when you know it will be pleasurable. Take the pressure down. You're doing the best you can, and need to be kind to yourself. That's what I'm trying to teach myself. Ha! We can be so good at advising others, but find it very hard to swallow our own pill, can't we? :) But I'm working on it! Right I'm just popping off my soap box now. Can't believe I've just typed all that!!!!!

    Your felt and new pieces are beautiful as usual. I'm hoping to get myself another one of your lovelies in a diff colour and diff shape soon. I wear the current one often and love the sweet touch of brightness it adds to my outfits.
    Congrats on your win and for your 4th bloggiversary. I've lost track of mine!

    I'm off to google Horrockses dresses....never heard of them!!

    take care. ♥♥♥

  6. Hi Jackie,

    I am drawn to the smokey (grey-blues) felt. Wow! What a great color combination you have going on there.

    I still have your Horrocks inspired piece stuck F.I.R.M.L.Y in my mind!!!!

    Love the new broches!

    Hugs Catherine

    P.S. Please steal for me the lilac Horrocks dress with the roses featured in this post. I HAVE to have that dress! :)

  7. Happy Blogiversary! Blogging may have become something of a chore at times rather than a joy all the time, but those of us that follow you appreciate everything you put up online. :)

    I would be so thrilled to have my name drawn for one of your brooches...they're lovely, lovely things!

  8. Jackie, I am glad you still blog even if it is only now and then. I didn't start a blog because I just knew I would run out of steam...and interesting things to say. It has been because of your blog that I bought your gorgeous silk pouch pattern, which I have made several of for gifts. It's because you blog that I 'discovered' you and your work, which I just love. Reaching four years is a real achievement. Well done!

  9. I have been reading your blog for a while now -drawn to your pictures of some remembered beauty spots in the UK and your brooches. Your work is always worth my time to look at. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  10. I love the brooches with the felt on them-I must admit I am a great fan of felting.

  11. Der Marienkäfer ist ein erstaunlicher geselle, der bunte vogel ;O)google übersetzungen erzählen immer ihre eigene geschichte. Die blüten auf dem stickrahmen sind der gewinner, meine phantasie sagt danke...liebe grüße jana

  12. Yes the boggy thing is understandable. Though I've been following you for some time, I've only commented half a dozen times. I still enjoy all you make though.

    Have you checked the ladybird wasn't a harlequin one? Nasty if it was.

    Happy blogiversary and huggy thoughts about Willow.

  13. I love reading your blopg, it doesnt worry me that there are gaps,we all have gaps
    Love your brooches, would really love to win one but as my winning ability is almost negligible, congratulations to who ever does!.

  14. Oh dear! I really should check before posting, I really did mean to write blog!

  15. Oh you are not interest with blogging comes and goes. If i can ever figure out a way to bow out gracefully i just might. HA! Now that i think about it, its been about 4 years i've been blogging too no wait maybe 3...anyway maybe its just gotten old...? Maybe its just time to move on....and thats changes...nothing stays the same....please include me in your giveaway... thank you so much....

  16. I always love reading your blog and would love to be able to make wet felt pieces like yours but my arthritis prevents me from doing it. Don't stop showing yours though cos it allows me to dream of what I would do with it if only I could :-) Your brooches are very special.
    A x

  17. have really enjoyed reading your post this morning and looking at your beautiful brooches, please don't give up just yet, I have only just discovered you (and blogging)xx

  18. I don't have a blog but one of the reasons I keep reading yours is that you go for quality not quantity! I love seeing what you've been making and where you've been (I love the Burren too!) so please keep going just as you are!

  19. More beautiful brooches and your little dresses look great displayed like that. Nice to see the real ones too.
    Sue Rangeley is so talented she nearly puts me off trying!
    Your felts are so gorgeous it seems almost unnecessary to add stitch but I know the way you do it will enhance the felt.
    We build up a 'team' of bloggy friends and when they stop it breaks things up, doesn't it?

  20. Nice to see more of your lovely brooches. I came across your blog some time ago prior to seeing some of your work in an exhibition at Astley Hall. I am new to blogging and I will be happy if my blog has even a part of the success yours has had. Happy Blogging!

  21. I flit in and out of blogs - I don't think anyone expects anything different of the blogiverse so don't worry. I have my favourites and your is one. You will make something wonderful from those felt pieces. There will be lovely items just waiting to pop out when you start to work on it!! Enjoy creating and well done on winning that comp. - no matter how many entrants! x Jo

  22. I adore your work and find your blog very inspiring.
    My daughter is about to start GCSE textiles and is hoping feltmaking and free motion embroidery will be included after looking at the pieces you have made. Thank you for also inspiring her!

  23. All so pretty again!!!

  24. I had hugely slowed down and all but stopped blogging till recently, but now I am back and enjoying it, and enjoying catching up. But please don't enter me in the giveaway - much as I would love to win, I have been here so rarely over the last few years I'd feel bad if I won over a more regular commenter - just wanted to say hello and that I know how you feel!

  25. Reading your post made me check how long I've been blogging I started in July '07. Maybe the reason people have stopped blogging as much is because they've moved onto FB somehow that seems easier, shorter posts and fewer images seem to be accepted and expected. I see blogging as a journal and also a way to see what others are doing. I've given up blogging every week I just do it when I've something to say, but I do like to read and see what others are doing and try to comment when I can. Also having a dog seems to have made a difference to my blogging instead of sitting there waiting for images to load and re-reading what I've written I'm out walking her. Then there is trying to fit in the making..... maybe you have been affected in the same way. Betsy send love to Hetty!
    PS. The felt is lovely it speaks to me, it's saying why can't you use colour like this?

  26. Well I love your work and have done so since an article in Quilting Arts ( I have 'copied' a few of these designs using fabric paper and sweet foils for my inspiration board and loved doing them. I have commented a few times but do not expect a response and my own blogging has diminished over time! I also love to see Hettie - we have a little 5 month old puppy (Jack Russell/Bichon Frise cross. I hope you keep showing your work from time to time.

  27. Love the new brooches and pieces of felt :D I'm sure I've said this in a comment before but everytime I visit your blog I'm inspired to do some more wet felting, I just need to actually find the time to do it!

  28. I love to see what you've been up to, creatively and with Hettie. Your sense of colour and design gladdens my eye and my heart and often provokes extreme temptation, as you know. Happy bloggiversary xxx

  29. I love your work, your blog and most importantly your sense of humour! You inspired me to get going on my own blog 18 months ago - so keep going and many happy returns!!!

  30. I started blogging two years ago and went in with no expectations. It truly was something for me to get stuff out. It's grown and changed as I have and I find if I don't worry about it, everything moves alone just fine. If it's not flowing, I don't do it. I do love seeing how some blogs have evolved and developed their current style, if you will. It's like watching someone find their niche in this crazy world. You've got yours and it's a lovely spot...that's why we visit. Have a great weekend!

  31. I love your brooches and would like to see a "How to" piece on them. I have been reading your blog for months and really enjoy your pieces. It is time consuming but people like me like to participate in a little portion of your life.

    Sandy K

  32. your posts never fail Jackie and it's always a pleasure to read and drool over your work. I guess we've all got over the initial excitement of blogging but I still love it and the inspiration it gives me

  33. Ah I'm glad I'm a follower (well I have you on my list of blogs I follow though I haven't actually registered on here as a follower) so I'm not just 'here for the beer' as it were haha.
    I used to blog more regularly than I do now.
    More wonderful work, the brooches are stunning as always and I'm sure you'll soon find just what to do with your wonderful new piece of felting.
    Anne x

  34. You inspire with your work ,I think you were one of the first blogs I started to follow.Your "not Buren "piece of felt reminds me of 50s big blowsy flower head fabric.

  35. renate giesbrecht4 May 2012 at 16:47

    please continue to blog - it is inspiring to those of us who follow you and your work. Love it! I hope to try out your pattern I purchased some time ago.

  36. It seems to me that there is plenty to see, and all of it delightful! Happy Blogaversary...

  37. When I showed my son the photos of Hetty he wanted to know how I (a computer illiterate) had managed to put a photo of our Rosie on the screen,. Hetty is an absolute twinny of Rosie.However, Rosie is 6 and an total joy.She hasn't a bad bone in her so, I wish you joy for many years with your Hetty.

  38. It's really sad that you feel you've lost the blogging community you once had. I get so much inspiration from your beautiful work and I hope you don't feel like you're missing out without your original friends.

  39. Interesting perspective.. both retro and current! I enjoyed the reading, and could echo some of the same sentiments. Most importantly, I never tire of looking at your art! Thanks for the chance!

  40. When my email tells me that I've received a post from you, I get as excited as if an old friend had dropped by for a chat. Your work and your blogging gives me much pleasure. The fact that I had a Hetty (named Teddy) and get to see yours as she grows is just an added bonus. The felted piece that you're not sure about reminds me of hurricane maps that are shown on TV when we're under an alert. Colors identify intensity and swirls show direction. Having lived in Texas all my life, I've seen a lot of those hurricane maps.

  41. Well I did try to do as your post title suggested but I tripped over some beautiful leaves, felted flast just waiting to be transformed with your needle and a string of pretty dresses! each one nicer than the next, I expect a lot of bloggers feel the same at times, and it's no help with all these extra security boxes around leaving a comment but I love to see your work when you do post, its always very inspiring x

  42. oops! that should have read 'felted flats' :)

  43. i love the felt you've made. I missed my anniversary totally.

  44. Jackie, it doesn't matter about time gaps. It just makes me happy to look at your work and hear your doings. I don't blog myself for the time factor, but love reading the ones I subscribe to, like yours. Congratulations on your anniversary and hope for many more.

  45. I've enjoyed your blog since I've been following (only a few months). I hope that I don't get the doldrums with my own blog, which has only been going since January. I love your work (and your Hettie!)

  46. Oh, also, I'm hoping that your title is a Star Wars reference as today is Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with you.

  47. I suppose it's easier in the beginning to blog a lot because everything is so new - I don't think you're alone in that.

    This is a very interesting post. The dresses make attractive bunting don't they? And the real ones are divine.

    It always amazes me how your pieces of felt translate into those beautiful brooches - it's as though you have some secret magic.

    It doesn't seem like three years ago I read about Willow - I remember not being able to see the screen clearly through my tears - you reminded me how raw I felt a year before when I lost my beloved Holly.

    Next time I'm in the garden I'll be counting ladybird spots!!

  48. I suppose it's easier in the beginning to blog a lot because everything is so new - I don't think you're alone in that.

    This is a very interesting post. The dresses make attractive bunting don't they? And the real ones are divine.

    It always amazes me how your pieces of felt translate into those beautiful brooches - it's as though you have some secret magic.

    It doesn't seem like three years ago I read about Willow - I remember not being able to see the screen clearly through my tears - you reminded me how raw I felt a year before when I lost my beloved Holly.

    Next time I'm in the garden I'll be counting ladybird spots!!

  49. Lovely new bits. I had to pop by and see what you're up to - I wore my heart brooch today which I bought from you last year and my mum complimented me on it :)

    I know what you mean on the whole blogging thing, I only started just over 2 years ago, and I don't have quite the following you do, but I also do not have the time and energy for it so much any more, I do have a few blog-friends I try and keep up with, but it does seem different now somehow.

  50. Always look forward to seeing your brooches. I have noticed of late fewer are blogging as they once regular did. Will be taking a break this summer myself.

  51. Nothing to see? What do you mean, nothing to see!! I have to say I've been falling down on my blogging lately too. Many other irons in the fire and haven't been getting as much creative 'stuff' done as I would like. Any congratulations on your blogiversary - I have no clue when mine is!

  52. Congratulations on your anniversary! Long may you continue to delight us.

    Please don't include me in the draw - that would be just too greedy of me.

    Barbara x

  53. The swirls of color in your felt brought to mind the swirls of color I saw recently in Munch's painting "the scream" which was recently auctioned off

  54. Well Jackie, I think it's a bit like that with all of us ....
    Isn't it the same with kids with new toys ? That's what they want to play with ! And then gradually it slips into a habit.
    But, although the pace slows down remarkably I'm sure we wouldn't like to miss it for the world .... Because it sure IS a window to the world, perhaps not the best one there is from time to time, and certainly not our ONLY window ... it's fun to look around !
    Have a good weekend Jackie !!(and keep up the good work ;-) !!!)

  55. Move along, there's nothing to see? There's always something to see here! I look forward to your posts even with a big wait in between :)

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I don't keep up with many blogs, but yours is one I always check and I have always loved your brooches. Your journey is always honest and somehow I feel i know you. I also think your dog is very charming!

  58. Congratulations on your blog anniversary Jackie. Personally I think the quality of the posts is far more important than the quantity and your posts have always been exceptional. Love your felting and the brooches are beautiful - as always!

  59. I'm not a blogger but I would like to be able to create something as beautiful as your pieces. I first came across your work in quilting arts - and have found it so uplifting and inspiring. I was a little disappointed to see that you sold the 50s style pieces but the brooches are just singing to me - you have a beautiful way with colours and design, these are the pieces I tell people about as something I aspire to but with my own style.

  60. Bea I didn't sell the original 50s pieces but I sold the ones I made to be photographed for Quilting Arts. Thank you for your comments as always.

  61. wowzers! just found you through a pinterest posting and am digging through lots of old posts of your BEAUTIFUL work. just stunning! I have a love/hate/apathy relationship with my blog, so i found your post today to be interesting and relatable. I want one of your brooches!

  62. I always look forward to reading your blog. Your photos are inspiring and comments concise, love the new felt.

  63. Hi Jackie. Would love to take part in your give away. Congratulations on your blogaversary. Much to admire and drool over in this post as always.
    Dot xx

  64. There is always so much to SEE here, pieces of felt, finished pieces, your lovely photos ... and of course the gorgeous Hetty. Maybe everyone who blogs goes through phases like these when they can't be bothered? Because I don't really know any other art journallers mine brings me a community of people who "get it" for which I am unfailingly grateful - I'd be so lonely without it.

  65. wow so many beautiful pieces and the felt is wonderful. Just love your work. Would LOVE to win one of your brooches but to ever ends up winning the giveaway..congrats and what a lucky person you will be.! know there are times we don't have time to blog for what ever but l do eventually read everyones blogs..becuase they have taken the time to write themxxxxlynda

  66. Hi Jackie, Anne from halifax embroiders guild, thanks for the talk on friday totally inspirational. I love your work adn I came away buzzing with ideas and can't wait till I have time tomorrow to start doodling. Will keep following your work hope you don;t mind I linked your blog to mine with my blog about friday
    Happy making xx

  67. As always your brooches are beautiful and I really like your handmade felt that you make them with.

  68. Hi Jackie,

    It's nice to see the photos from Regional Day. Our chat about blogs has prompted me to start blogging again.

  69. I agree, there are not many of us left...I've left my blog for 11 months but yesterday had a all came back to me very easily and I really enjoyed the experience...but I've been lurking around reading and commenting,
    Take care

  70. I missed your giveaway, I don't know how that happened! Please can I ask you a question about your beautiful felt leaves? I would love to buy one of your stunning leaves but as I only have a practical coat (for walking Tilly, my mini schnauzer), a brooch just isn't suitable. Will you be making any more pendants? Just a very small leaf would be wonderful. Thanks for reading. :o)

  71. Hi Jacqui, congratulations on your blogoversary. Just thought I'd let you know that the ladybird looks like one of those pesky Harlequin ladybirds that are taking over our countryside and pushing out our natives.

  72. Huge congratulations on four years Jackie! It's quite a milestone and I passed it too just last week. I truly miss the feel that blogging had in the beginning but so much of my day is taken up with making now that there's little time for it. I tweet a bit though - it's quicker - but it's not quite the same.

    *Whispers*- slightly worried that your ladybird is a harlequin - they're not such kind visitors to the garden.


I love to hear from anyone who go on...leave one!
I apologise for not being able to reply to all of them. It makes it harder if you are 'no reply', but I do value each comment.