
Thursday 22 March 2012


Pastels are the new black.
At least thats what I've heard. 
I don't go in for clothes shopping much..I might chuck a T-shirt in the trolley at the supermarket but usually I have to be dragged out to buy clothes for such things as Birthdays and Christmas. My Mum is an ace shopper and can usually sort me out. (She's 84)
We managed to get me a lovely coat last Christmas from M&S ..very unusual ..and then after Christmas when they were reduced and I hadn't worn it, even managed to take it back and buy another the same for half the price. I've certainly had my money's worth and I love it, even though I have to spend time with a crochet hook every time I wear it to pull in all the plucks. Its a loose tweed in pinks and oranges and black. I love it.
Anyway I digress. I haven't , personally, been near any clothes shops so my information comes from the radio and I hear pastels are in.
So I thought I'd make some brooches..or shapes anyway just to get me back into the swing of things. 

 I made some sugared almonds coloured felt.
 Dyed some pastel velvet..(I hate dying..I've had a few requests for my dyed velvet but I don't think I'll be making enough to sell anytime soon) 
 and then got going with the machine. I'm a bit rusty. A bit uninspired. Can't really be bothered.
 But I quite like these 'parma violets' .
 The round one is rather large.
 I like the yellow ochre with pink..its a bit discordant but it pleases me. 
 Meanwhile in the sewing room Hetty has almost completed her own little project. She's chewed a strip off my big 'rolls' box, attacking it form both sides which have now almost met in the middle.
When they do, and the top of the box drops off it will be a big mess.
She did me a favour though...I heard a loud rustle and discovered she'd found my roll of baking parchment. I'd forgotten I had it.


  1. I'm glad to hear Hetty's turning into a studio assistant, even if the amount of help is questionable1

  2. these colours are great! Even Hetty blends in!

  3. For someone who hates dying you've created some wonderful muted colours.
    Love the new brooches.

  4. Don't digress re that coat...... I wanted to read sooooo much more. My daughter, when a student, went with her boyfriend and took back a "Christmas" jumper he had been bought by a relative (from M & S). They got the cash, bought lamb and fed themselves and neighbouring students....
    Loving Hetty to pieces from a distance!

  5. The brooches are gorgeous. Love the yellow/ochre and pink, too! Not bad for an uninspired day?!

  6. Brilliant...I'm so glad Hetty is keeping herself occupied. I bet you never imagined she'd be so useful ;-)
    As for the parma violet....and the discordant yellow ochre/pink ....just gorgeous!! (Like Hetty)
    PS Do you think 'assfunk' is an appropriate word verification? I may have to have words with blogger....

  7. The pastels are lovely. Glad someone else doesn't do clothes shopping.

  8. I hate clothes shopping too and might need to borrow your Mum one day. You've dyed some gorgeous colours and I love the brooches - the ochre one is really zingy.
    It looks as if Hetty is into collage and distressed surfaces!

  9. You have been very busy, lovely colours. Hetty's coat looks long like Betsy's, I cant decide when to get her cut. I think it will have to be quite soon her eyebrows are getting very long she'll be walking into things soon.

  10. Yummy colours, especially the parma vioets.

  11. Loving the pastels! gorgeous

  12. Love pink and yellow. One of my fave combos. And blue and orange...
    For someone who can't really be bothered, you have done a rather fabulous job. Ax

  13. lovely pastels, your dyed velvet is beautiful!

  14. Oh forgot to say I dont do clothes shopping either, but I did pick up a cute little pair of red mary janes while doing the weekly shop in asda tonight, half price too, my kind of clothes shopping :)

  15. Uninspired?....hmmmm, wish I could be that uninspired Jackie. :)) The pink and yellow ochre was where my eyes were immediately drawn to! But then I do have quite eclectic tastes in many things. :) x

  16. I love your pastels!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!!!! Total eye candy!!!

  17. Wow, for an uninspired person you have created some totally gorgeous stuff - so glad Hetty is being a help!!! I hate clothes shopping too - and I hate these new word verifications that blogger has created! Cheers

  18. They look very on trend Jackie... although my fashion info comes from what I hear or read too. Can't stand shopping either!

  19. You're so honest Jackie : ) Love it. Your colours are beautiful! Like you I don't follow fashion and have no idea what is in or out. I do sometimes think I should find out but then I forget again and carry on regardless.
    Your shapes are sumptuous as usual, as are your colour mixes.

  20. The yellow ochre one is my favorite :)

  21. Beautiful, as always! I like the splash of yellow with the pink. If you hadn't said, I wouldn't have had a clue if pastels were "in" or not!

  22. I am not really a pastel girl but golly these are just gorgeous!
    I hate clothes shopping as well I always equate the amount with what I could buy in wool.
    Hetty looks to be earning her keep!

  23. I just love the way you use colour!! x Jo

  24. The brooches are lovely and I love them in the pastel shades.Hetty is so cute!

  25. beautiful colours as ever Jackie but that yellow ochre is yummy! lol @ Hetty & the parchment

  26. Such beautiful work Jackie - the colours are amazing.

    And glad that it is not just me that doesn't do clothes shopping!

  27. Clothes shopping? Is there anything worse than that?? I want my clothes to come to my door, already fitted, and I wouldn't mind if they were paid for too. Good thing I pretty much live in jeans! Hetty is obviously a very able studio assistant when she looks for (and finds) something you didn't know you needed....she's brilliant.

  28. Your latest brooches are edible. You put colors together so beautifully. It is a shame you don't like dyeing as I would buy some of your velvet off you in a heart beat :)
    Hetty is being a very good little helper - she may be naughty but brings so much love into your life doesn't she?
    Dot xx

  29. Your latest brooches are edible. You put colors together so beautifully. It is a shame you don't like dyeing as I would buy some of your velvet off you in a heart beat :)
    Hetty is being a very good little helper - she may be naughty but brings so much love into your life doesn't she?
    Dot xx

  30. Thanks for popping over to my blog, and for your comment and email. Your discount deal will make it very hard to resist temptation for long! I will investigate all when I have recovered from flu!

    I see from Hetty's industrious remodelling of her cardboard box, that she is obviously a fellow architectural student with my darling Pixie (cat), who despite being three-quarters blind has created palaces from pasta boxes!

    Don't forget to light a candle tonight!

  31. You are too funny about clothes shopping! I can tell from my morning's flip through J.Jill catalog, though, that indeed, pastels are in. You are making beautiful use of them - but then, I have yet to see you err with color! I don't think the YW/Purple is discordant at all - don't forget, they're complementary colors!! Lastly, I wish MY version of uninspired was this lovely.

  32. Oooh simply scrummy, your work is fab :-)
    I love dyeing but am not very good at it most times my colours end up dull!
    Just think of the fabulous bags you'll be able to make when your coat is ready for the bin!
    Anne x

  33. Lovely, bright and cheerful. Shows off your skill and craftsmanship well.

  34. Beautiful, love your latest creations, parma violets... how odd as parma violets are mentioned in my latest blog post which I just published!?! How weird.

  35. If I put a coat on my Spaniel he'd eat it in minutes! Hetty's tongue matching number is marvelous!

    Nothing like a bit of discordant to give back some spark ;)


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