
Monday 25 May 2009

Sea Interlude

May I share my recent jaunt with you? (There is no fabric or stitch in this post)
It was not, as I had planned , a trip to the laburnum Arch in Bodnant Gardens, but a visit to Norfolk for 4 days.
My husband had a meeting on Thursday so I spent the morning in Norwich where I saw different laburnums..surprisingly white not the usual yellow.

The Cathedral is spectacular, but you need a monocular to see the bosses in the vaulted ceiling.

The cloisters are lower and its much easier to see them. Rather over restored here is one of them, a green man.

After two days we moved on to the coast.
The land of Farrow and Ball.
No woodwork remains unpainted.
Lichen, Ball Green, Old White, Bone, Mouse's name the colour, you will find it on the North Norfolk coast, along with some of nature's own spectacular hues.

We stayed in Cley(pronounced to rhyme with 'fly')next-the-Sea, where there is a famous windmill which we could see from our window.

Its not 'on Sea' you notice because areas of marshland fill the spaces between the village and the tide. High dykes take paths from one village to the next in a circuitous route. One mile by road from Cley to Blakeney; by coastal path its two point one miles.

Worth every step.

Cley beach is a shingle bank built up by the tide over many years.

Cue the Sea Interlude.
Click the picture to enlarge it. (You may have to open a new window to do both)

Sunny but cold.

On the way there we'd spotted Seagates Irises and made a promise to ourselves to get some on our way back.

There were irises as far as the eye could see in every colour and combination of colours.

It reminded me of my work with fabric, choosing or coming across unexpected combinations.
My favourite, 'Copatonic.'

In Norwich our accommodation was smart and chic and had everything we could have wanted including a huge shower in a stone tiled bathroom.Little armchairs and tables and chairs in the room, and internet access.
In Cley the carpets were thin, there was a gap between the door and the frame, there were no chairs in the room or coat hooks on the door so we piled our jacket on top of our suitcase, the shower leaked and there was nothing but a small bar of pink soap to use in it.
And yet, I preferred it and felt more comfortable and relaxed there.
I don't know what that says about me.
I must say here that we both found everyone we met in Norfolk most welcoming and friendly.

The cat is out of the bag now.
I am in Quilting Arts Magazine in the June/July issue. Well, my work is .
Thank you to all those people who have e-mailed me to congratulate me.

Talking of cats..Jools has been missing since we got home.
UPDATE:He's back..large as life and twice as bossy.


  1. WHERE is my copy of that magazine! I can't wait to see you there! Congratulations!
    Thanks for the vicarious trip...sounds so lovely!

  2. Congratulations! It's well deserved and I can't wait to get my copy now.

  3. congratulations on the magazine feature! and I think my mysterious visitor is back as we speak, 89 minutes so far!! HELP

  4. Beautiful trip...

    Your preference for the Cley accommodations made me laugh. I have often felt more comfortable in the modest motels on the wrong side of the river/railroad tracks than in the fancy resorts.

  5. Congratulations on your publication. I love that magazine and will have to look for you (your work) in it. Sounds as if you had a lovely get away.

  6. GO JACKIE! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

  7. PS And to think you didn't want to blog way back .....:}

  8. oooo, I can't wait to get my copy! Congrats Jackie!

  9. Ooh my copy has not come yet. I will be impatiently waiting by my mail box! Congratulations Jackie. Thanks for sharing a peek into your getaway.

  10. These photos are stunning, makes me wish to go there and wander around daydreaming. Bit far though as I'm in Australia. I only found your blog recently and have really enjoyed seeing your work which is absolutely amazing! So lush and delightfully vibrant. Congratulations on being published!

  11. Congratulations on the article. I hope Jools turns up.
    Gina x

  12. Congratulations on the article. I shall look forward to reading it.

  13. Lovely post Jackie - brilliant pic of the green man - love that! Congrats. of being in Quilting Arts - will look you up as soon as it arrives. Hope Jools comes home soon.

  14. Oh Jackie I am dead jealous! This little corner of Norfolk is one of my favourite places in the whole world. You have taken some lovely photos. Talking of pronounciation, did you also know that Stiffkey is pronounced Stewkey? And also had a randy vicar in the 1920s who got defrocked... the things I know!

    Are you still doing that exhibition at Lytham or is it finished now? I am on my way home from Blackpool this afternoon...


  15. PS I might copy your idea of doing a comments message about no-reply if that's ok :-)

  16. Congratulations Jackie on the article,can we have a peep on the blog for those of us who don't get the mag:)

  17. Beautiful pictures and the flowers are so like your fabric combinations.

    I'm soooo sorry to read about Willow, they are never just an anmial, they are so much more. I hope Jools soon comes home full of tales of where he's been and what he's been up to.

    Take care

    Kim x

  18. You've made me hanker for a trip to Norfolk again, its not really that far for us however the husband always moans its too flat but I love it - all those wide open skies ,a perfect cure for claustrophobia. I also need to get to the sea again I am having withdrawal symptoms and I haven't seen it for over 8 months.(I've been so trapped by work and offspring lately!)
    Congrats. on the article- its not a magazine I know so I also wouldn't mind a sneak peak on your blog.

  19. congratulations.

    Norfolk looks lovely

  20. congrats and thank you for that wonderful empty space by the sea. nothing like it.

  21. What a wonderful's always feels good to get away even if it's just for a day or two. And of course thank you for sharing the great photos. Congrats on being features!

  22. really enjoy looking at your photos Jackie. you seem to have an eye to capture the scene. Congrats on Quilting Arts. Makes you feel good doesn't it!

  23. I have never been to Norfolk and seeing your photos and reading your post makes me want to go even more...
    BIG CONGRATULATIONS Jackie, can't wait to get a copy and see your stuinning work.
    I hope J. makes a speedy return.

  24. You were just awarded a Lovely Blog award. Visit my blog for details.

  25. Congratulations on the magazine gig Jackie - very much deserved.

    The photos are beautiful Jackie - it looks wonderful, and you have captured it in a way which makes me want to go there right now!


  26. They could not have anyone better in the mag Jackie, well done.
    I love all those photos, you have a few spectacular ones there. Love the 3 boats and those irises. Mmmm!

  27. Beautiful irises- love the colours. Sounds like you had an enjoyable and much needed break

    Congratulations on your magazine feature. I haven't got the mag yet but will try to get it!

    ps. having a giveaway over on my blog if you are interested ...

  28. Super post and lovely images. I didn't know there was white laburnum. Wonderful fan vaulting and I love the Green Man from Norwich Catherdral. Those gorgeous irises - they won't grow in our soil though. Congratulations on being featured in Quilting Arts - I can't wait for my copy. Glad Jools is back - he's probably been on a feline short break somewhere exotic.

  29. Lovely photos Jackie, Norfolk is really picturesque. Congratulations on getting published in the quilting mag. BFN. Lesley

  30. Fantastic to hear that Jools is back. Congratulations on QA. I have to wait for mine to come from Rainbow Silks so I shall be even more impatient now.

    Your trip to Norfolk looks wonderful. We have had a few short breaks in North Norfolk, it's a beautiful area and every time we go I mean to call in at Seagate, those irises are stunning! And this must be the best time to go when they are all in flower.

  31. Congratulations - very well deserved!

  32. What a wonderful break in the sea air. I expect to see lovely seaside colours appearing in an embroidery soonish...

  33. Congratulations on the publication!! I can't wait to get my copy!!!! So well deserved!! Love your photos of your trip- the IRis are stunning!!!

  34. Congratulations!! That is fabulous and well deserved!
    I haven't seen the newest issue yet but will keep my eye out for it next time I get to the store!

    Your photos are beautiful. What breathtaking beauty there is in the world.

  35. Wow! Your photos of Norfolk are fantastic. I think I may ask for a nice camera for my birthday (well it is a biggie and if I ask nicely...). Maybe then my pictures will improve.
    Well done on your QA feature. Will look out for it.

  36. What a lovely, varied post, lovely photos too. Many congratulations on being featured in the Mag!! x

  37. So glad you enjoyed the break! I'll look forward to hearing all about it. I wonder if white laburnum are as poisonous as the yellow? Right now I'm feeling very impatient - come on, Rainbow Silks, what's taking so long? Where's my Quilting Arts?

  38. What lovely photos Jackie - especially that blue sky!! We have visited the Norfolk coast many times and love Cley, Blakeney and Stiffkey.
    I have subscribed to Quilting Arts digitally so I will see your work soon - congratulations on being published!!
    Linda x

  39. Congratulations!!! I've been to the newsagents but here in Darwin the April/May issue has only just arrived, so I'll have to wait for a month or two in suspense.

  40. Oh, well done on the article! I love the green man on the ceiling.

  41. I just blogged a copy of your iris, the purple and yellow one, because it's fantastic! I linked back to you, hoping all along that this will be ok.....if not, I will delete the picture and leave the link???


I love to hear from anyone who go on...leave one!
I apologise for not being able to reply to all of them. It makes it harder if you are 'no reply', but I do value each comment.